Wednesday, October 28, 2020


GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

Stefan Schulze - Vocals, Bass
Torben Golz - Guitars
Elling Golz - Guitars
Thomas Schulze - Drums


Crown Of Thorns (demo, 1998, Independent) (Cassette)

Side A:
1. Crown Of Thorns 3:13
2. Presence Of Darkness 5:34
3. Destined To Die 4:15
4. Overpassing 5:46
Side B:
5. Charity 3:15
6. God's Love 5:37
7. Tombstones 3:13
8. Believer's Shelter 6:10

Seeds Of The Living (album, 1999, Independent) (CD)

1. Leaving Despair's Empire (Organ Intro) 2:05
2. Stronger 2:38
The power in which we believe is stronger than the hate
Our faith is stronger than the death
The possession is nothing towards
The awesome love of God
The strength of His love is higher than evil

Listen you demons, in God's authority
We command you to part from us

Nobody beside Jesus will defeat the death
Nobody is as strong as God
By that we command you: leave the humans
In Jesus' name let them be free

Your time has run out anyway
You have lost

3. Believer's Shelter 3:56
Concealing my guilt
Made me feel so sick
So I moaned 'cause I felt
Your hand day and night
It pushed me to the dusty ground
Finally let vanish my energy

Therefore I decided to
Confess my mistakes
I admitted to you what I had done
I did not conceal my guilt any longer
And you, you have forgiven me everything

You are my shelter
You hold away the trouble
So that I can shout with joy
About my deliverance

Forever defeated are devil and death
The victory of Jesus
Caused Satan's last breath
Invisible party by servants of light
When sinners repent and
Get out of the night

4. Charity 2:57
Speaking with the tongues
Of men and of angels
Praising the Lord with songs and prayers
Speaking with wisdom
Talking of righteousness

Preaching the Word of God to the people
Pleading for peace and
Love in the world
Talking against pollution
And against war

If charity is missing I am
Like a sounding brass
If I have not charity I'm nothing
To please my neighbor
Without loving him
It profits me nothing

Having the gift of prophecy
And understanding all mysteries
Having the knowledge
Between right and wrong

Knowing all secrets of the Scripture
Able to tell you every verse
Having all faith that I
Could remove the mountains

Selling all my goods so that I
Can buy food for junkies
Give my money to the beggars on the street
Giving my house for homeless people
Building playgrounds for children
Give my body to be burned

You have Christian t-shirts
Christian savings everywhere
But if no one can see Jesus Christ
In your life it's worthless

5. Pathway 3:41
Jesus Christ is the Son of God
And He's the only way to the Father
He died for us at Golgotha
And He wants us to follow Him
If you won't follow
Him you'll be lost
So take up your cross
Daily and follow Him
He will give you His Holy Spirit
And peace of mind forevermore
He wants to forgive your sin
But you have to come
It's your own choice
Lay your sin down by the cross
He'll throw them into the sea
Say: "Lord, I've sinned,
Oh please forgive me
I repent of the things I've done
Here I am, take my life
Make me become your child, amen"

6. Radical 5:11
Radical outfit, radical wear
Radical boots and radical long hair
Radical music, radical voice
Radical distortion and radical noiz

Radical for Father, radical for Son
Radical for Holy Spirit
Our God is one

Radical lyrics, radical thoughts
Radical messages and radical teachings

Radical love for you, radical death for you
Radical resurrection, radical victory
Radical following, radical faith
Radical obedience to
The radical grace (Jesus)

Radical fighting, radical war
Radical against demons
With radical armour

7. Save 5:17
I see beggars on the streets
They hunger and they freeze to death
Also here before our doors
And you scream: "Save the whales!"

I see junkies dying of their
Incurable drug addiction
They're alone with their own problems
And you scream: "Save the martens!"

This world is full of mad lunatics
You're such hypocrites that I could vomit

I am gonna care for animals
When all human diseases are healed
I am gonna care for plants
When all problems of mankind are solved

I hear a million babies
Slain in their mothers' womb
Holocaust #2
And you scream: "Save the rainforest!"

There are people who have problems
And are alone
Hurt inside, sad, ill
And we scream: "God save us!"

8. Final Day 5:07
9. Crown Of Thorns 3:09
Put on the head of Jesus from Nazareth
For mockery, scoff, ridicule, scorn and derision
Made to laugh at the King of kings
And Lord of lords
Not made to exalt Him
But to mock Him

Crown of thorns
Thing of scorn
Crown of thorns

The stabwounds in His head
Are aching dreadfully
The blood drips down his face
It is awful to see
Tormented is the only Son of God
The pain is getting worse
Is He defeated?

But what is the truth about this crown?
Why did they punish this man?
There is only one reason
For this condemnation
He pays the penalty of our sin

Through the dead of Jesus, the innocent
Satan is defeated by himself
He was not allowed to kill the person
Who isn't separated from God through sin

Crown of thorns
Wreath of victory
Crown of thorns

10. God's Love 5:30
He saw that we were not able to live our lives
So he came and Jesus was His name

The love of God is patient
The love of God is kind
The love of God seeks not its own
The love of God is not puffed up

Rejoices not in iniquity
Rejoices in the truth
His love, it thinks no evil
His love will never end

God loves us so much
Loves us so much
Loves us so much

Sin that belonged to us was laid on Him
So He was nailed to a cross
And paid the price for us

But on the third day of His death He rose from the grave
Now He lives
Eternal life He gives

11. Baptism And New Life 4:49
Men are sinners
Consider your thoughts
Your words are bad
Your deeds are not the best
You have to bear the consequences

The wages of sin is death
You deserve to die
The only escape is to die with Christ
And being buried by baptism into death
And we will rise

To become a Christian is easy
But it's hard to abide
Break with the sin
He will give you strength
To walk straight in the new life

We were dead in sins
God has raised us up with Christ
By grace we are saved
We can live forever
This is made by the love of God

Turn Or Burn!?! (split, 1999, label unknown) (7" Vinyl)

Side B:
2. Noiz - Crown Of Thorns

Unreleased Tracks (demo/compilation, 2003, Independent) (CD-R)

A collection of unreleased songs, released before the band broke up.

1. Abolition Of Idolatry 3:34
2. Pagan Gods 4:34
3. I Am 3:29
4. Pain 4:15

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