Thursday, October 29, 2020



GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Tortuguitas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ernesto Jaime - Vocals, Drums
Carlos Laztra - Guitars
Marcos Romero - Bass, Vocals

Past members:
Alejandro - Bass



J.V.D. (album, 2005, Alcance Subterraneo Producciones) (CD-R)

1. Anticristos (Parte 1) 1:18
Ya es el ultimo tiempo
Y segun vosotros oisteis
Que el anticristo viene
Asi ahora han surgido
Muchos anticristos
Por esto conocemos
Que es el ultimo tiempo

2. Nuestra Fortaleza 4:00
3. J.V.D. 3:46
4. Ay De Aquellos 3:17
5. La Palabra 3:04
6. Buscalo A El 1:15
7. Cristo Es Poder 5:51
8. Ish Elohim 5:52

Herencias Del Maldad (album, 2010, Union Extrema Records) (CD)

1. Intro 1:33
2. Nuestra Fortaleza 3:26
3. Reconocelo Y Aceptalo 2:32
4. Por Su Sangre 0:38
5. Los Caminos 2:15
6. Buscalo A El 0:57
7. El Infierno Esta Listo 4:23
8. Rebeldes 2:07
9. Salmo 117 0:23
10. Poder Eternal 3:59
11. Salmo 23 0:16
12. In Quien Elegir Y Seguir 1:31
13. JVD 3:34
14. Herencias Del Maldad 2:25



BAND NAME: Spiritual War
GENRE: Death Metal / Grindcore
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

Fabricio - Vocals
Renato - Guitars
Claudio de Carvalho - Bass
Douglas - Drums

Past members:
João - Guitars



Latidas Em Latin (demo, 2000, Independent) (Cassette)

Side A:
1. Latidas Em Latin 2:22
A igreja catolica multilava a fé dos fieis
Padres do passado assassinos crueis...
Não tinham amor, matavam por prazer pessoas assassinadas eram motivo de lazer...
Missas de costas latidas em latim tormento
Idolatria sem fim...
As farças catolicas declaramos destruição!

2. Dirty Life 3:55
Destruction, mutilated bodies
Creak teeth Lúcifer plucking out
Acads mutilating lives
Destructed bodies compressed
Blood on all sides
In the kingdom of hell fire
Curse follows hei way of terror
Lives that seem, walk for the end
That's enough, you accept Jesus Christ
Like you Lord and Savior and all you
Dirty life don't be dirty anymore

3. Maldita Guerra 0:11

4. Criança 2:59
Fome, medo, solidão crianças nas ruas sem comida e sem pão.
Vida castiga, vida explora, vida castiga criança que chora.
Tristeza, tormento, odio e dor crianças precisam do salvador.
Vida eterna com Jesus sem medo, sem fome e sem solidão.
Tristeza, tormento, odio e dor.

5. Sounds From Hell 5:08
6. Solitário 3:07
Estava sozinho e solitario sem nada a perder, tristeza e dor, solidão e depressão.
Larguei pela estação da vida, nenhuma luz como guia fiquei desesperado e sem motivaçao.
Então cai e me perdi.
Homens do inferno vieram me ajudar.
Beneficios malignos encontrei dor e morte mas nenhum sorriso, homens do inferno, com eles me afundei.
Clame, lamente e busque ao senhor os anjos de Jesus te resgatarão.

7. Apocalipse 22:15 0:13
8. Cães Ladrões 1:26
Cães que roubam dos fieis.
Padres, pastores, profetas pregando para inriquecer.
Malditos homens, castigados serão, no final de tudo sua condenação.
Cães ladrões.

9. Espantalhos 2:19
Uma escultura de barro colocada em um grande altar
Pedidos e culto
Não te ouvirás
Não te responderás
Deuses mortos
Deuses invalidos são como espantalhos não podem falar
Necessitam de quem os leve
Pois não podem andar aquele homem
(Imagem do crucifixo)
Pregado na cruz nao pode ser soberano Jesus
Morreu e ressuscitou e na cruz não ficou
O rei da nação verdadeiro Deus
Deus vivo
Deus eterno
Fez a terra pelo seu poder
Estabeleceu o mundo por sua sabedoria
E aos deuces que não criaram nem o ceu nem a terra desapareceram

Side B:
10. Esmagador 0:15
Esmagando a Satanás em nome de Jesus!

11. Foi Encontrada Sem A Cabeça E Cheia De Lama 1:31
Foi encontrada sem cabeça e cheia de lama
Pura imundicia essa porcaria não te ama
Estava la no fundo quando a encontraram
Apesar da imundicia a idolatram
Este fantoche tem a face do inferno
Quem a idolatra queimará no fogo do inferno
Pessoas sem escrúpulos comercializam esse mal
Mulheres dão vazão a cegueira espiritual
Sintam a luz
Olhe para cruz
Veja o poder do nosso senhor
Esse fantoche apareceu
Ja era dito que a podre cida apodreceu

12. Antifunk Prostituição Sonora 2:54
Anti funk prostituição sonora
Pornografia anti funk
Cristão contra a pornografia musical
Anti funk prostituição sonora

13. Marchando Para O Abismo 0:09
14. Pacto 6:01
Fizemos um pacto...
Pactuamos nossas vidas.
Pacto de sangue e aliança eterna...
Nossas vidas entregues a um Deus de verdade não estamos condenados pela maldição de Satanás a aliança nos libertou com um pacto de verdade somos guerreiro do altíssimo, somos filhos de Deus.
Eterno pacto!
Pacto de sangue!
Vitoria de Cristo!
Aliança eterna!

Maldita Guerra (album, 2004, Independent) (CD)

1. Intro 1:05
2. Warriors Deceived 4:48
In every nation
Satan has declared
Gret chasing and
Death to Christians

With hate and violence
Gret malevolence
Satan has declared
Death to Christians

In rebellion and iniquity
In apology to evil
His sidekick servants

Satan has then for warriors
With deception and curse
And desire to kill
In the celestial field
They do the evil

At this war for power
In the celestial field
Satan's warrior
Fight for the evil

Hate because of disobedience
Satan has raised warriors
Who fight alongside him

Satan's warriors
You're being deceived
For together with Satan
You'll be condensed

Together with Satan
For eternity
You'll suffer forever
In the lake of burning fire

By worms you'll be tormented
You'll hear cries and
Clenching of teeth
By demons you'll be tortured

Satan's warriors
You are being deceived

3. Esmagador 0:19
Esmagado a Satanás em nome de Jesus!

4. Espantalhos 2:27
Uma escultura de barro colocada em um grande altar
Pedidos e culto
Não te ouvirás
Não te responderás
Deuses mortos
Deuses invalidos são como espantalhos não podem falar
Necessitam de quem os leve
Pois não podem andar aquele homem
(Imagem do crucifixo)
Pregado na cruz nao pode ser soberano Jesus
Morreu e ressuscitou e na cruz não ficou
O rei da nação verdadeiro Deus
Deus vivo
Deus eterno
Fez a terra pelo seu poder
Estabeleceu o mundo por sua sabedoria
E aos deuces que não criaram nem o ceu nem a terra desapareceram

5. Solitário 3:23
Estava sozinho e solitario sem nada a perder, tristeza e dor, solidão e depressão.
Larguei pela estação da vida, nenhuma luz como guia fiquei desesperado e sem motivaçao.
Então cai e me perdi.
Homens do inferno vieram me ajudar.
Beneficios malignos encontrei dor e morte mas nenhum sorriso, homens do inferno, com eles me afundei.
Clame, lamente e busque ao senhor os anjos de Jesus te resgatarão.

6. Crianças 2:17
Fome, medo, solidão crianças nas ruas sem comida e sem pão.
Vida castiga, vida explora, vida castiga criança que chora.
Tristeza, tormento, odio e dor crianças precisam do salvador.
Vida eterna com Jesus sem medo, sem fome e sem solidão.
Tristeza, tormento, odio e dor.

7. Poderoso Deus 0:58
Satanás sua derrota foi declarada por todos nós, amarrado, acorrentado, lançado no inferno por um Deus poderoso!
Por um Deus vitorioso!
Jesus Cristo!

8. Transgressores 3:06
Voces desprezam
Julgam sem saber
Humilham os filhos de Deus discriminam nossas vidas
Julgam nosso jeito adoramos a Deus
Cremos em Jesus
Invocamos ao espirito santo!
Se fazer acepção cometei pecado e sois redarguidos pela lei como transgressores somos servos de Deus!
Guerreiro do senhor
Adoramos a Deus cremos em Jesus
Invocamos ao espirito santo!

9. Maldita Guerra 0:15

10. Cães Ladrões 1:26
Cães que roubam dos fieis.
Padres, pastores, profetas pregando para inriquecer.
Malditos homens, castigados serão, no final de tudo sua condenação.
Cães ladrões.

11. Encontrada Sem Cabeça E Cheia De Lama 1:30
Foi encontrada sem cabeça e cheia de lama
Pura imundicia essa porcaria não te ama
Estava la no fundo quando a encontraram
Apesar da imundicia a idolatram
Este fantoche tem a face do inferno
Quem a idolatra queimará no fogo do inferno
Pessoas sem escrúpulos comercializam esse mal
Mulheres dão vazão a cegueira espiritual
Sintam a luz
Olhe para cruz
Veja o poder do nosso senhor
Esse fantoche apareceu
Ja era dito que a podre cida apodreceu

12. Decisão Eterna 3:24
Quando ele morreu o seu sangue derramou, o chão estremeceu, e o ceu se rasgou, vitorias e conquistas, na cruz ele deixou sofrimento, enfermidades em sua morte ele levou.
E ao terceiro dia Jesus ressuscitou provando-nos o quanto nos amou.
Nesse meio tempo ele foi no inferno e trancar o diabo para o sofrimento eterno.
Liberdade salvação, ele nos ofereceu, nos deu uma nova vida eterna ao lado de nosso Deus.
Muitos zombavam de suas profecias, muitos não acreditavam nos milagres que fazia.
Não seja como eles, tão pouco como Judas traidor, porque nas nossas vidas ele é Cristo salvador.
Se Jesus Cristo você negar, para o inferno você irá, e mais ninguem vai te salvar.

13. Anti Funk 0:21
Anti funk prostituição sonora
Pornografia anti funk
Cristão contra a pornografia musical
Anti funk prostituição sonora

14. Dirty Life 4:11
Destruction, mutilated bodies
Creak teeth Lúcifer plucking out
Acads mutilating lives
Destructed bodies compressed
Blood on all sides
In the kingdom of hell fire
Curse follows hei way of terror
Lives that seem, walk for the end
That's enough, you accept Jesus Christ
Like you Lord and Savior and all you
Dirty life don't be dirty anymore

15. Depósitos De Seres Humanos 0:54
Seus filhos os deixaram em um deposito de seres humanos
Homens trabalhadores sem motivação estão em um asilo amargando a solidão
Mas Jesus não abandona
Está de braços abertos para os amparar

16. Latidas Em Latin 1:28
A igreja catolica multilava a fé dos fieis
Padres do passado assassinos crueis...
Não tinham amor, matavam por prazer pessoas assassinadas eram motivo de lazer...
Missas de costas latidas em latim tormento
Idolatria sem fim...
As farças catolicas declaramos destruição!

17. Pacto 7:12
Fizemos um pacto...
Pactuamos nossas vidas.
Pacto de sangue e aliança eterna...
Nossas vidas entregues a um Deus de verdade não estamos condenados pela maldição de Satanás a aliança nos libertou com um pacto de verdade somos guerreiro do altíssimo, somos filhos de Deus.
Eterno pacto!
Pacto de sangue!
Vitoria de Cristo!
Aliança eterna!



BAND NAME: Screaming Your Name
GENRE: Death Metal / Deathcore
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Medellin, Antiquia, Colombia

Manuel - Clean Vocals
Jeison - Unclean Vocals
David Peluca - Guitars
Esteban Bieber - Bass
Duvan Lopez Posada - Drums

Past members:
Camilo - Guitars



Lucha Interna (EP, 2011, Martyrdom Records) (CD)

1. Intro - Praise The Lord 3:43
2. Exhortacion 3:17
3. No Solo Judas 3:43
Cuan grande desilusión
Se sufre al ser traicionado
No tanto por uno mismo
Si no aquel que fue atrapado

Lástima inmensa merecen
Todos los que así han fallado
Nunca podran recobrar
La confianza que burlaron

Como Judas Iscariote
Hay muchos en esta tierra
Se gozan en engañar
Sin pensar lo que le espera


No contaron con aquel
Que nada pasa por alto
Si a tiempo no se arrepienten
Enfrentaran al quebranto

Piensa que Dios no se ha ido

4. Holocausto 2:21
5. Afliccion Y Calamidad 4:14



BAND NAME: Satan Decapitated
GENRE: Death Metal / Grindcore
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Nathan Casthro Mizuhara - Vocals, Programming
Leandro Oliveira Lima - Guitars



O Caído Esta A Tragar (single, July 24, 2015, Independent) (Digital)

1. O Caído Esta A Tragar 0:35
The fallen down to this
Those who leave gaps
We're careful not to waver
Because the truth will be revealed...

The fallen this astute waiting to condemn you
More those which Christ is revealed
Will obtain eternal life

The Return Of Christ (single, January 2, 2016, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Return Of Christ 3:40
Christ comes, it comes true
He is Christ, comes Yeshua
Christ comes, it comes true
He is Christ, comes Yeshua

Catastrophes that madness we live today
And love gone cold, there is only evil
Destruction, cruelty and massacres

He comes
My beloved church
(It comes)
Binds, porthole
(It comes)

Apocalyptic Chaos (EP)

May 5, 2016, Independent (Digital)
February 5, 2017, Vision Of God Records (Digital)
February 28, 2017, Christian Metal Underground Records (CD)

1. The Beast 666' 1:11
Calamity, pestilence, and famine and disillusionment
Humanity is going through a cycle of destruction
The apocalypse is coming true devastation
And lies always live in their hearts
And all live in this search for a solution
And disease eating away at their hearts
The antichrist already emerging on this earth
And deceive the hope to live without war

2. The Reality Of Hell 1:30
Listen to the truth that is in Jesus
Burning hell you can see
Listen to the truth that is in Jesus
Burning hell you can see

I fear for his life
Here is your time
I see carnage
Death in hell now
I fear for his life
Here is your time
I see carnage
Death in hell now

It's real, veracious
You will have no choice
Salvation only in Christ

When the big day comes you will soon realize and regret
Soon it will all be over and the King will triumph, and where will you be?

3. Irresistible Grace 1:15
Dead in their sins
Intransigent attitudes
Man follows the strides
For the immense sacrifice
And only one thing can save them
Themselves contemplate this
To get rid of this abyss
A voice calls out that is irresistible


4. The Fallen Is Swallowing 1:27
The fallen is swallowing
Those who leave gaps
We're careful not to waver
Because the truth will be revealed...

The fallen this astute waiting to condemn you
More those which Christ is revealed

5. The Return Of Christ 3:39
Christ comes, it comes true
He is Christ, comes Yeshua
Christ comes, it comes true
He is Christ, comes Yeshua

Catastrophes that madness we live today
And love gone cold, there is only evil
Destruction, cruelty and massacres

He comes
My beloved church
(It comes)
Binds, porthole
(It comes)

6. Holy Blood 1:39
Jesus' blood has power
Has power, has power...
Jesus' blood has power
Makes hell shudder
Makes Satan run, and miracles happen
If you run the bug get caught, if you get the bug eats
This phrase says the one who fears of fear
But I scream Jesus Christ for sure the bug went
Sacred blood!
Salvific blood
Honest blood
Innocent blood
Purified blood
Redeemed blood
Blood of love

Blood of peace

Blood of love!

7. The True Gospel 2:17
Do not be fooled by the fables
Do not delude yourself with the facilities
Do not be fooled by the sins
Do not be fooled by Satan

Stand firm in the true Christian doctrine
Stand firm in the truth of Yeshua!

8. The Logos 1:25
Look at the empty cross
He lives and reigns
God incarnate, the Great I Am
The eternal truth

Soon he will come back
And show his justice
The chosen ones come and get
Eternally new life

9. Theology Color Of Pink 2:08
Weak theology
What goes there from the dog
Arminians have a fractional god
An effeminate god
Which does not expose justice
The clear truth is the God of the Bible

He chose us before there was a world
He is the God who chooses never to be frustrated
The sovereign God who exercises his will
Exercising sovereignty to show your truth

10. Spiritual Battle 1:40
Our Lord teaches us
Emphasizes the importance of praying
Living in prayer every day
We learn better faith

In prayer
We learned his will!
Sanctify, get free


11. Apocalyptic Chaos 3:34
The world always lives a destructive cycle
People always run to this great abstemious
Death, hunger, plagues and diseases in general
And even depression, rather than brutal death
And I wonder, is everything written?
The gospels warn of great danger
Something inevitable the world will suffer
Preach the gospel, live or die

Apocalyptic chaos
Apocalyptic chaos
Apocalyptic chaos

The world always lives a destructive cycle
People always run to this great abstemious
Death, hunger, plagues and diseases in general
And even depression, rather than brutal death
And I wonder, is everything written?
The gospels warn of great danger
Something inevitable the world will suffer
Preach the gospel, live or die

Christ will come
Christ will come
Christ will come

12. Holy Blood 0:49
13. The Agony And Defeat Of Samael 1:10

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



BAND NAME: Salário Do Pecado
GENRE: Brutal Death Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

John Paul - Vocals
Thiago Grunge - Guitars, Vocals
Almir Negão - Bass

Past members:
André Felipe - Guitars
Emanuel Epaminondas - Bass
Tarcilio Cadmiel - Drums
André Lima - Drums
David Milanez - Drums




2009, Independent (Digital)
2014, Christian Underground Pernambuco (Digital?)

1. Escravidão 2:01
Quando éramos escravos do pecado
Não fazíamos o que era direito
Agora se tem a chance de mudar
E corrigir os nossos erros e seguir
Numa estrada esburacada e iluminada
Em vez de perfeita e escura
Onde se tem o salário do pecado

2. Graças 2:42
Será que viver no pecado aumenta a graça de Deus?
Quando fomos batizados foi para unirmos com a morte de Jesus
Aquele que sofreu na cruz e ressuscitou pela graça de Deus

Nossa antiga natureza pecadora foi morta com Jesus na cruz
Assim não somos mais escravos do pecado
E temos que viver uma vida para Deus igual a Jesus
Que morreu para o pecado e viveu para Deus

Não seja dominado pelo pecado
E nem pela natureza humana

Pois o pecado não aumenta a graça
Ele só o domina para fazer o mal
Mas a graça traz a vida eterna

3. Pensamentos Imundos 5:54
4. Suicídio (Antidemon cover) 3:04

5. Kill The Evil Inside You 5:22
6. Lei 4:50

By Blood (EP, August 17, 2013, Underblood Productions) (CD)

1. Intro 1:22
2. Justified By Blood 2:18
We were dead in trespasses and sins, He gave life
Where in the past we walked according to the world's course
According to the prince of the air's reign
Of the spirit that now works on the son of disobedience

Among whom also we had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh
Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind
And we were, by nature, the children of wrath, such as the others
But God, who is full of mercy, for his great love where with He loved us
Even when we were dead in sins, gave us life together with Christ, by grace we are saved

Justified by blood!
Justified by blood!

3. Lei 4:34
Vamos continuar pecando
Por sermos controlados como
Escravos pelo mal?
Onde está a glória de Deus?
A quem você obedece?

A glória de Deus!
Foram libertados e são agora
Servos de Deus para serem fortes
E não escravizados
Pela imoralidade e maldede
Que só leva a morte

Sois libertados e não escravizados
Agora vives somente ao Rei
E tendes a vida eterna

4. Escravidão 2:55
Quando éramos escravos do pecado
Não fazíamos o que era direito
Agora se tem a chance de mudar
E corrigir os nossos erros e seguir
Numa estrada esburacada e iluminada
Em vez de perfeita e escura
Onde se tem o salário do pecado

5. Graças 2:23
Será que viver no pecado aumenta a graça de Deus?
Quando fomos batizados foi para unirmos com a morte de Jesus
Aquele que sofreu na cruz e ressuscitou pela graça de Deus

Nossa antiga natureza pecadora foi morta com Jesus na cruz
Assim não somos mais escravos do pecado
E temos que viver uma vida para Deus igual a Jesus
Que morreu para o pecado e viveu para Deus

Não seja dominado pelo pecado
E nem pela natureza humana

Pois o pecado não aumenta a graça
Ele só o domina para fazer o mal
Mas a graça traz a vida eterna

6. Kill The Evil Inside You 5:13
This I say then
Walk in the Spirit
And ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit
And these are contrary the one to the other
So that we cannot do the thing that we would
But if we be led by the Spirit
We are not under the law

Kill, kill, kill, kill...
Kill the evil inside you


GENRE: Deathcore
STATUS: On-hold
LOCATION: Shawnee, Oklahoma

Joseph Andreani - Vocals

Past members:
Aaron Scott - Guitars
Mitch Higgs - Guitars
Nathan Graeber - Guitars
Dakota Whiteside - Guitars
Anthony Knox - Guitars
Joey Davison - Bass
Jeremy Marquez - Drums
Dylan Woody - Drums



The Awakening (EP)

May 20, 2011, Warclub Records (CD-R)
July 31, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
February 2, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

This was also released digitally on Warclub's Bandcamp at some point, but that page no longer exists.

1. Defiance 3:00
We didn't come here to bow down
We came here to fight

We will wage this war
We will not back down
Lift your hands, to the sky
And know that you're not alone
You're not alone, do not be afraid
For God is with you, do not fear

So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight

Do not hesitate, do not waste what God has given
Do not hesitate, do not waste what God has given

So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight

And as death, reaches out
Take his hand and break it

2. Ophelia 2:42
Dear friend, for the sake of God beware
Kiss the rose, you have in hand
And wipe the dust from this face
And blessed, be the man who spares these bones
And cursed, be the man who moves these stones

Many like us have loved, many like us have cried
And many like us have left this life
In the blink of an eye

We took this world, through our courage
Our strength
Yet we couldn't take anything with us
Down to our grave
Yet we couldn't take anything with us
Down to our grave

So remember, as you pass us by
As you are now, so once was I
And as I am, so one day you'll be

Now prepare for death and follow me
For you will remain alive, in the dreams of the voiceless

3. Post Mortem Ritual 2:31
Bow before the throne, of deception
Life your hands up high to this mockery
False prophets singing praises
To a god, they do not know

Mortal lives singing praises
Unto, a darkened throne
Mortal lives singing praises
Unto, a darkened throne

Lacerations across this sky
Shed the tears of your god
Revealing his lies

Now is the time to destroy this plague
As their idols, lay broken at their feet

I will feast upon the flesh of your head table
And the hand of divinity will reveal the absolution that you've mocked
You bring forth, this witness
Birthing poison from the womb

Jesus Christ, firstborn of the dead
To you alone the glory

4. La Petite Mort 2:10
In the morning hour
She was at his door
On Valentine's Day
She became a whore
Up he rose to let her in
In an hour they had sinned


Never to breathe, never to leave
On that day she took his life away

5. Godless 2:57
You know that you're alive
But your heart is failing
For so long you've been asleep
But your eyes are open

As your soul clings to the ashes, of this life
Know that this is what it's like, to be alive
When you are living, to die

To your hands you fell
To your feet you stand
How long did you lie awake?
How long did your heart break?

Without you, this world held nothing
Without you, this world held nothing
Without you, this world held nothing
Without you, this world held nothing

Yet I went without you
Help me recall
The way you etched love upon this heart
And forgiveness upon these arms
God... God save me

You overtook me, with who you are
Refine this heart by your love, your hands

Make in your image, a man who will be after your heart

6. Sovereign Dialogue 2:44
Do not utter, a word from your lips
Keep your mouth shut, keep your mouth shut
Or I'll rip you apart

Now remove the mask that you've been wearing
And show this world, your decaying beauty

You have betrayed all, that matters to you
Do not lift your hand out, expecting me to lift you up
I have no sympathy, for traitors

America, how does it feel
To have the blood of your saviour
On your hands?

You are not the one with nail-scarred hands

We're Not Safe (EP)

July 16, 2012, Independent (CD, Digital)
July 31, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Aequitas 3:28
Never, let the blood
Of the innocent, be shed
Yet let the wicked's flow
Like a river, to carry the corpses
Of their dead

We don't want your hungry
Or your weak
It's evil we seek
And with every breath we breathe
We'll hunt it down
Until there is none left
To be found

Heretic, abomination unto God
You have stolen many lives
But tonight we will come for

For we are the army of God
Not to be compared with legion
So as you look into my eyes
Try to tell me, that my God isn't real

In God alone I trust
To wipe away the tears of the innocent
And justice, will be claimed

So, prince of this world
Fear me
For I will hang your corpse
As a mockery of evil

2. Veritas 4:01
Silence mourners
Upon the mortuary steps
Notions ill conceived
And they wept
Over the false messiah
That you prophesied

By the stagnant water
Ever flowing, from your lips
Flooding the hearts of His people
Thirsty they sip

As you prostitute their innocence
Upon an unholy altar

Murderer of unborn prophets
Murderer of His children
Their eyes are a gate to despair
Their eyes are a gate to despair

Formed by the hands of men
Regurgitated by God

Liar, force-feeding a weakened god
You are nothing more than a whore
And a fraud

I have heard the heartbeat of God
And it will be our war cry

For blood has been shed
For innocent blood has been shed

And I will only bow to God

I will only bow to you
O Lord
The creator of the heavens and the earth

For You are the ocean that buries this heart
Jesus, awaken this land

3. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 3:08
There's no time to waste as she sees
Maggot filled flesh dangling from the trees
She hits her knees, prays to her God
She hits her knees, praise to the damned

A man with flesh upon his face
Breathes a requiem of her fate
And with his chainsaw he'll write her obituary

Inserted through delicate skin
The blade starts to pulse within
She should have stayed away
Instead she found her grave

She lays, now under the ground
Where worms begin to feed
Silence, the only sound
It is deafening

Now stare deep into the face of hell
As she rises from the grave
She'll seek the face of her killer
Declaring his fate

And I swear
There will be blood
To paint these walls
With the bile of her killer

4. Carmilla 3:52
Tales were told of a woman
Who drew the dead into her body

Lead out into a forest black
Underneath the autumn moon
The cry of the witch calls forth

In the weak mind of fools

A succubus
She beckons the dead into her womb

With scarlet lios she prays
Unto the devil's heart
Stripping the life away from me
Cadavers at her command
They beg for touch
They crave her moan

Men, what will become of this world
If we continue to feed this whore?
What will become of true love?

Now's the time to light this up
And burn away her unholy lies

Tonight, tonight, we take back this town
Tonight, tonight, we end her curse
And drive a stake deep into the heart of lust

And in the Father's name
I pray amen

5. Patrick Swayze Was No Kurt Russel 3:26
We are the wolves outside your door
That will devour the flock and feast upon the flesh
Of those who would subdue us

So keep an ear to the ground
And your head above the water
Or else you'll find yourself led to this slaughter

Time will tell secrets
But the dead will tell no tales
I'll peel the flesh from your face
Just to take a taste
Of the beauty that's made you so damn proud

With your bones
I will make a melody
To tug at your heartstrings
An ode to all of the truly beautiful things
That you destroyed

Tell me
Does it feel good
To have their blood
On your hands?

I can't believe that it's come to this
Oh no I can't
I can't believe that you've become this

Rotting away
You've become useless

And with no legs left to spread
You will never find love again

So wipe that smile off your face
And hail to the king
Hail to the king

The Awakening / We're Not Safe (compilation)

2022, Coleiosis Records (12" Vinyl)
April 10, 2023, Coleiosis Records, Picture Disc (12" Vinyl)

Side A (Tracks 1-6) are from "The Awakening".
Side B (Tracks 7-11) are from "We're Not Safe".

Side A (The Awakening):
1. Defiance 3:00
2. Ophelia 2:42
3. Post Mortem Ritual 2:31
4. La Petite Mort 2:10
5. Godless 2:57
6. Sovereign Dialogue 2:44

Side B (We're Not Safe):
1. Aequitas 3:28
2. Veritas 4:01
3. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 3:08
4. Carmilla 3:52
5. Patrick Swayze Was No Kurt Russel 3:26