Sunday, December 24, 2023


BAND NAME: Zsolozsma
GENRE: Doom/Death Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Budapest, Hungary

Gergely Kovács - Everything


My Hiding Place (album, December 24, 2023, Abran Records) (Digital)

1. My Hiding Place 9:13
Blessed is the one
Whose transgressions are forgiven
Whose sins are covered
Blessed is the one
Whose sin the Lord does not count against them
And in whose spirit is no deceit

When I kept silent
My bones wasted away
Through my groaning
All day long

For day and night
Your hand was heavy on me
My strength was sapped
As in the heat of summer
Then I acknowledged my sin to you
And did not cover up my iniquity

I said, "I will confess
My transgressions to the Lord"
And you forgave
The guilt of my sin

Therefore let all the faithful pray to you
While you may be found
Surely the rising of the mighty waters
Will not reach them
You are my hiding place
You surround me with songs of deliverance

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you

Many are the woes of the wicked
But the Lord's unfailing love
Surrounds the one
Who trusts in him
Rejoice in the Lord
And be glad, you righteous
Sing, all you who are
Upright in heart!

2. Silence My Enemies 8:36
Lord, hear my prayer
Listen to my cry for mercy
In your faithfulness and righteousness
Come to my relief

Do not bring your servant
Into judgment
For no one living is righteous
Before you

The enemy pursues me
He crushes me to the ground
He makes me dwell in the darkness
Like those long dead

So my spirit grows faint
Within me
My heart within me is

I remember
The days of long ago
I meditate on all your works
And consider what your hands have done

I spread out my hands to you
I thirst for you like a parched land
Answer me quickly, Lord
My spirit fails

Do not hide your face from me
Or I will be like those who go down to the pit
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love
For I have put my trust in you

Show me the way
I should go
For to you
I entrust my life

Rescue me
From my enemies, Lord
For I hide myself
In you

Teach me to do your will
For you are my God
May your good Spirit
Lead me on level ground

For your name's sake, Lord
Preserve my life
In your righteousness
Bring me out of trouble

In your unfailing love
Silence my enemies
Destroy all my foes
For I am your servant

Teach me to do your will
For you are my God
May your good Spirit
Lead me on level ground

3. The Rain And The Snow 9:08
Seek the Lord while he may be found
Call on him while he is near

Let the wicked forsake their ways
And the unrighteous their thoughts
Let them turn to the Lord
And he will have mercy on them

For my thoughts are not your thoughts
Neither are your ways my ways

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven
And do not return to it without watering the earth
So that it yields seed for the sower
And bread for the eater

So is my word that goes out from my mouth
It will not return to me empty
But will accomplish what I desire
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it

As the heavens are higher than the earth
So are my ways higher than your ways

You will go out in joy
And be led forth in peace
The mountains and hills
Will burst into song before you
And all the trees of the field
Will clap their hands

Come, all you who are thirsty
Come to the waters
Give ear and come to me
Listen, that you may live

You will go out in joy
And be led forth in peace
This will be
For the Lord's renown
For an everlasting sign
That will endure forever

Come, all you who are thirsty
Come to the waters
Give ear and come to me
Listen, that you may live

4. The Prayer Of The Destitute 13:02
Hear my prayer, Lord
Let my cry for help come to you
Do not hide your face from me
When I am in distress

Turn your ear to me
When I call, answer me quickly
For my days vanish
Like smoke
My bones burn
Like glowing embers
My heart is blighted and
Withered like grass

I lie awake; I have become
Like a bird alone on a roof
All day long my enemies taunt me
Those who rail against me use my name as a curse

For I eat ashes as my food
And mingle my drink with tears because of your great wrath

My days are like the evening shadow
I wither away like grass, but you, Lord, sit enthroned forever

You will arise and have compassion on Zion
For it is time to show favor to her

The nations will fear the name of the Lord
All the kings of the earth will revere your glory
For the Lord will rebuild Zion
And appear in his glory

He will respond to the prayer of the destitute
He will not despise their plea
Let this be written for a future generation
That a people not yet created may praise the Lord

The Lord looked down from his sanctuary on high
From heaven he viewed the earth

To hear the groans of the prisoners
And release those condemned to death

In the course of my life
He broke my strength

He cut short my days, so I said:
Do not take me away, my God, in the midst of my days

Your years go on through all generations
You laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands

They will perish, but you remain
They will all wear out like a garment

Your years go on through all generations
You laid the foundations of the earth

And the heavens are the work of your hands
They will perish, but you remain

They will all wear out like a garment
Like clothing you will change them

And they will be discarded but you remain the same
And your years will never end

The children of your servants
Will live in your presence

Their descendants will be
Established before you

5. The Strength Of My Heart 6:27
Surely God is good to those
Who are pure in heart
But as for me, my feet had almost slipped
I had nearly lost my foothold

For I envied
The arrogant
When I saw
The prosperity of the wicked

Is their necklace
They clothe themselves
With violence

From their callous hearts comes iniquity
Their evil imaginations have no limits
They scoff, and speak with malice
They threaten oppression

Their mouths lay claim
To heaven
And their tongues take
Possession of the earth

They say
"How would God know?"
This is what
The wicked are like

Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure
And have washed my hands in innocence
If I had spoken out like that
I would have betrayed your children

Till I entered the sanctuary of God
Then I understood their final destiny
Surely you cast them down to ruin
How suddenly are they destroyed

I am always with you
You hold me by my right hand
Whom have I in heaven but you?
God is the strength of my heart forever

Thursday, December 14, 2023


GENRE: Grindcore / Death-Grind (early); Thrash/Death Metal (later)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: João Pessoa, PB, Brazil

Servant Gabriel - Vocals
Brother Juan Mosh - Guitars
Presbítero Marciel - Bass



Demo (April 16, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

1. Generation Outrageous 1:33
Purge this plague
Wipe out the impious
Lovers of sin
Satan's infamous
From Babylon rises
Generation outrageous
Ill and sick with sin
And for us, contagious
Bringing imposition
And trying to make us
Deny your lordship
Your holiness righteous

Cleanse us from evil
Build us the path
Saves us from ourselves
As we walk towards death
Guide us the way
Of no turning back
Only you can save us
To firm all our steps
Save us by your love
From the impending wrath
Give us your justice
As we guard your precept

2. Louvor II (Praise Song 2) 1:12
Cantai a Deus
Em alta voz, cantai!
Soberano criador
Eterno redentor
Teu povo te adora
Grande são as tuas obras

Ao Pai celeste
A Jesus, Seu Filho
Ao Seu Santo Espírito
Ao Deus triuno
Teu amor, Tua justiça
Hão de prevalecer!

3. The Good Deeds Of Jesus 1:45
Guarding the will
Of sinful evil
Plague, disease
And an eternity in
Darkness and fires
Are coming for you
Unless for the good
The good deeds of Jesus

Unless - for the - good
The good - deeds of - Jesus

No chances for self salvation
A hellish way is where I roam

4. Hipócritas 1:38
Corro pra longe de vocês
Tento me esconder de vocês
Finjo não ver vocês

Sempre tudo é pecado
Tudo está errado

Tudo na vida tá danado
Por vocês
A sua seita nos condena aqui

Pensam que sabem
Mas de nada conhecem

Vejam como Ele viveu
Vejam como Ele morreu
Sua história nos mostra como deve ser

Abyss' Tentacles (single, April 21, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

1. Abyss' Tentacles 3:08
Existential void
Like an asteroid
Big and deadly

A void as the size of God
No other way to fill it
Abyss' tentacles lurks for you
From the void he will feast

Nietzsche has proclaimed
Schopenhaur agreed
Camus confirmed
The life has no meaning

But they were wrong
Jesus is the way
Everything else is illusion
Only God's salvation is real

Existential void
Like an asteroid
Big and deadly

A void as the size of God
No other way to fill it
Abyss' tentacles lurks for you
From the void he will feast

Demo II (July 9, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Holy Spirit 1:34
By faith alone, He is here
By Father's grace, He is sent

The Spirit of God is here
Turning this place His holy ground
Flowing with river of life
And fulfilling repentful hearts

Confirms Jesus's deeds
The Holy Spirit is here

Making perfect our deeds
Carrying all our prayers
Convicting and converting
The Holy Spirit is here

2. Louvor I (Praise Song I) 1:30
Criador, salvador!
Soberano, e perfeito!

A honra, a glória
A adoração e louvor

Louvai ao Senhor Deus
Elevado seja Teu nome
Bendito Espírito redentor
Inclinamos nossas vidas a Ti
Digno é o Senhor Jesus
O Deus único e verdadeiro
Não há outro além de Ti
Pois Tu és o supremo Deus

3. My Enemy 1:05
Help me my Lord
The faithful men
The loyal ones
Has vanished away
Rescue me, oh Lord
And protect me
From the violent
And the evildoers
So, burn in hell
My enemy
For damned he is
With evil and sin

He is with me
Under my skin
Inside my mind
Walking my steps
Vile impurity
And depravity
Stains my heart
For I am my worst ENEMY!!!!

4. Louvor III (Praise Song III) 1:22
Nosso Deus é soberano
Todo poderoso
Ele é o Senhor da história
Infalível é
Deus santo e Deus forte
Desde a fundação do mundo
O governa

Nos salvou
Por Jesus
Perfeita é
Sua justiça
Seu amor
Só Ele é Deus

Todo joelho
Se dobrará
Toda língua
Jesus Cristo
É o Senhor
Em breve voltará

5. I Am 3:01
I am infinite, I am eternal, I am uncaused
I am all good, I am all worthy, I am ever just
I'm self-existent, I'm self-sufficient, I'm impeccable
I am gracious, I am merciful, I am love

I am only one, I am righteous, I am sovereign
I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life
I'm omnipotent, I'm omnipresent, I'm omniscient
I am holy, I am holy, I am holy

I am the
God of Abraham
God of Isaac
And God of Jacob
I will be with you
All the way
I am
Who I am

Believe me
A time is coming
When you will
Worship the Father
Neither here
On this mountain
Nor there
In Jerusalem

And this time has come
The true worshipers
Worships the Father
In the Spirit and in truth
And Messiah has come
He explains everything
And proclaims His gospel
For I am He

The Death Of Death (single, August 17, 2023, The Charon Collective) (Digital)

1. The Death Of Death 2:31
Invincible enemy
For humanity
Nobody defeated
Nobody survived

Until the avenger
Came into the world
To eliminate
The strong opponent

(The death of death)
In the resurrection of Christ
(The death of death)
In the resurrection of Christ

Premeditated murder
No chance of escape
Refinements of cruelty
No dialog or mercy

The death died of fear
When we saw Jesus rise
Dead and buried forever
And you're now free

(The death of death)
In the resurrection of Christ
(The death of death)
In the resurrection of Christ

Washed by blood
Saved by Christ
There is no death
There is no more cry

(The death of death)
In the resurrection of Christ
(The death of death)
In the resurrection of Christ

Analects (compilation, September 29, 2023, The Charon Collective) (CD-R, Digital, 12" Vinyl)

Tracks 1 and 2 were originally released as singles.
Tracks 3-6 are from their first demo.
Tracks 7-11 are from their second demo.

1. The Death Of Death 2:31
2. Abyss' Tentacles 3:08
3. Generation Outrageous 1:33
4. Louvor II 1:12
5. The Good Deeds Of Jesus 1:45
6. Hipocritas 1:38
7. The Holy Spirit 1:34
8. Louvor I 1:30
9. My Enemy 1:05
10. Louvor III 1:22
11. I Am 3:01

Carniça (single, December 15, 2023, The Charon Collective) (Digital)

1. Carniça 2:56

Cheiro de podre
Invade o recinto
É sua natureza
E os seus instintos
Você é pecador
Desde que nasceu
Egoísmo é a regra
Da mente cruel

Por dentro você fede a...
Por dentro eu fedo a...
Todos nós fedemos a...
Sem Jesus somos todos...

Se você se acha bom
Porque é cristão
Você está vivendo
Uma ilusão
Você é um ser
Carecido de luz
Se faz algo bom
É por conta de Jesus

Por dentro você fede a...
Por dentro eu fedo a...
Todos nós fedemos a...
Sem Jesus somos todos...


Rotting smell
Invades the premises
It is your nature
And it is your instincts
You are a sinful being
Since the day you were born
Selfishness is the rule
Of a so cruel mind

Inside you smell like...
Inside I stink like...
All of us reek of...
Without Jesus, we're all...

If you think you're any good
Just because you're a Christian
You are so living
The biggest illusion
You are a being
Lacking in any light
And if you do any good
It is so because of Jesus

Inside you smell like...
Inside I stink like...
All of us reek of...
Without Jesus, we're all...

Buried Yesterday (single, December 21, 2023, The Charon Collective) (Digital)

1. Buried Yesterday 3:46
Whispers of a past
Long gone
A life of sin

But the call it comes
From within
Promise of salvation

For in the scriptures
It was said
Die to yourself

The key to life
Die to live

Buried yesterday
Rise anew
Reborn in spirit
Buried yesterday
Die to the world
Born of grace

For in the scriptures
It was said
Die to yourself

The key to life
Die to live

Buried yesterday
Rise anew
Reborn in spirit
Buried yesterday
Die to the world
Born of grace

Carniça / Buried Yesterday (compilation, December 21, 2023, The Charon Collective) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Buried Yesterday 3:46
2. Carniça 2:56