Sunday, December 20, 2020


BAND NAME: Crimson Thorn
GENRE: Thrash Metal (early), Death Metal (later)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Luke Renno - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Miles Sunde - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Steve Reishus - Drums

Past members:
Andy Kopesky - Guitars
Paul Jongeward - Guitars
Brett Wilson - Bass, Backing Vocals
Dylan Jennigis - Bass
Kevin Sundberg - Drums
Dave Quast - Drums
Jeff Anderson - Drums



Plagued (demo)

1993, Grind Records (Cassette)
May 20, 2023, Bombworks Records, Remastered, Limited Edition (12" Vinyl)

Side A:
1. Perverse Policies 8:14
Once a nation, twice the decadence
A brood of vipers, waiting at the door
Laissez-faire-ism echoes, lustful delight
Telling us we must have more, is this right?
The monolithic drive, of self interest
Builds yet brutally tears apart
The poor are told of the trickle down effect
Yet we still neglect the heart
Political game, what a shame
Push the dagger within
Get involved, then maybe you'll solve
The perverse policies
A world leader, among many
Number one in perversion and idolatry
Buried in debt, America will pay
Intrinsic needs of man
Sought by worldly flesh
Finding truth in Christ
Is the only rational plan

2. Misrepresented Representation 5:25
Honesty is dealt a fatal blow
Mislead by governments false conduct
Trapped in confusion
Open your eyes and see the truth
False authorization
Mistaken for standards with false appeal
Democracy by the people, warped concentrations
Misrepresentation of morals, a nation whose god is left on the shelf
Consumed with the lust of money, scarred soldiers in a losing fight
Truth of Christ is lost, country eating itself away
Misrepresented representation
A nation that will drive into the ground

3. Prophet Of Death 4:23
Selfish institutions living according to pay
Destroyed all the others that get in your way
Me, me, me, and only me is your eternal cry
Propaganda, scorched earth with intent to kill
Chemical weapons, duty orders their blood we must spill
Live the lie, eternal fry, it's your own choice
Free will of man to hear immortal voice
Learn the rules, play the game
Go to school, with only one intent
Dollar signs rule your mind
Who cares sin some more, no repent
Unrelentless siege of holocaustal torture
Fills the mind of obliterating lies
Searing and grooving in a brain made of jello
Once the path has been made

Side B:
4. Crimson Thorn 3:41
The red blood of a king poured upon the ground
A crown of thorns, wedged into his skull
The weight and burden of sin too heavy for a man to hold
Sliced into pieces, death upon a wooden cross
Death for your infirmities, by his stripes we are healed
The suffering humiliation, for us to escape the gates of hell
Blood to wash you clean, forgive you from sin
Death to this world, life for his acceptance
Crimson thorn

5. Plagued 6:48
A vast disease, spread throughout the land
An eternal wasteland, sin is not banned
Sores of grief, blisters of pain
A world of corruption, where Satan does reign
Sinners are plagued with death
Accepted by the population
As a lifestyle of freedom
What a very loose basis
To kill a kingdom
Ignorance of such sickness
Is usually ended in flight
There is a cure in Christ
Jesus kills the plague
When your mind is in a snag
Give your life to Him
And He'll cleanse you from sin
Sinners are plagued with hell

6. Corruption Of The Flesh 4:02
Corruption of the flesh
Bound by Satan's impure mess
To live in sin is to die
And in the flesh don't comply
To live is to die to self
The relinquished shall rise
Impurity, from unbound evil
Washed with the blood of good will
Changed through the works of forgiveness
And the works of the flesh shall be killed
Cleanliness is drawn within
Blood purifying us from sin
Die to the flesh everyday
For death to the flesh is the only way
Arise, you must die, are you dead yet?

7. No Suicide 2:16
Darkness, you feel empty inside
Drugs, you think they can help you hide
Depression, you don't think you can stay alive
Drowning in thoughts of suicide

No suicide
No suicide
No suicide
One of Satan's lies

There is someone who loves you
He gave His life for you
Let Jesus inside
He will fill your empty void

You are worth something
Life, there is a reason that you live
God, He does not make trash
Live in Jesus, have eternal paradise

Unearthed (album)

1994, Atomic Records (CD, Cassette)
1995, R.E.X. Music (CD, Cassette)
1997, Morphine Records (CD)
November 2019, Bombworks Records, Remastered, Gold Disc Edition (CD, 12" Vinyl)
February 10, 2020, R.E.X. Music, Limited Edition, Unofficial (CD)

The Morphine release and the Bombworks CD release contain all tracks from the demo "Plagued".

1. Unearthed 3:21
Hearts of black mixed with dust
Burial becomes a required must
Mankind lowered into tombs of waste
Human presence taken and erased
Spirit released from the bondage of earth
Exit the grave
Believing truth thought once absurd
Gripping death certainly deterred
Demolished strongholds lay in waste
Your weakening body submits to Christ
Unearthed...from the grave
Unearthed...with acceptance of Christ

2. Decrepit 3:30
Fated to ceaseless misery
Liar, thief, destroyer
You poison life with pain
Leading sheep to the slaughter
Weariness for the souls you have taken
You now face eternal torment
Your corpse will rot
Your weakness makes me laugh
Wages of your lost war
Christ has conquered you Satan
Your evil power is useless
Against Jesus my Savior
Maggots will feed upon your skull
When Christ destroys your rotting soul

3. Cultivate Decay 4:03
When a prophet says something
In the name of the Lord
And that thing does not come to pass
That thing has been spoken presumptuously
And is not of the Lord, do not be afraid
You ask what shall I believe
Nothing seems real to me
Too many promoting a way
Finding no truth in what they say
Mindless babble mixed with lies
Passed on to generations
Brainwashed into compromise
Blatant ignorance elusive decay
Addition or subtraction
Formulation of a tainted belief
No leading of the Spirit
Only your impending individuality
Blind leading the blind
Power of deception leading your mind
Compensation of words
What you think and say is absurd
Pulling away from evil ties
The Lord of Lords has made His sacrifice
Manifesting through His death on a tree
Truth found in His reality

4. Ignorant Self 3:03
I know nothing but Christ and Him crucified
Ignorance misleads fetters and deceives men
A deceived heart turns from God
And the eyes and ears are shut
Having the understanding darkened
Alienated from God through ignorance
Because of the blindness of the heart
Yet He stands at the door and knocks... receive Him
Unconscious deterioration of man
The worshippers of themselves reject God
And know not that they are miserable, poor, blind, and naked
Satan has blinded the minds of those who don't believe
They worship themselves as their gods
The only way to eternal life
Is an individual relationship with God through His Son
For those who are perishing
The message of the cross is foolishness
But those who have received Christ
Will have everlasting life
If you believe Him and receive His word
He'll treat you as His disciple
Then you will know the truth
And the truth will set you free
I know nothing but Christ and Him crucified

5. Your Carcass 2:56
Watch and pray
Enter not
Into temptation
Spirits willing
Flesh is weak
Bury your carcass
Be renewed in Christ
To be carnally minded in death
To be spiritually minded in life and peace
Then sin that dwells
Inside of me
Makes me do
What I hate
A constant war
Inside of me
Between the flesh
And the spirit
O wretched man that I am
Who shall deliver me from this carcass of death
For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus
Has made me free from the law of sin and death
Christ did conquer
Sin on the cross
That you might know Him
And bury your carcass
For God so loved you
That He gave His only Son
That whosoever believes
In Him would not perish
But have everlasting life

6. Asphyxiated 3:28
Existence denied perpetuated
Battle in your mind asphyxiated
At the foot of the cross
All your burdens were lost
You felt such relief within
Slowly rotting into a useless crusade of sin
You have fallen away
Scrounging to make your own way
Life seems fun when you're on the run
But soon you'll see your judgement day
Many will say "Did we not toil in Your name?"
Depart from me, workers of lawlessness
Depart from me, I never knew you
Facades of sin last for a season
Rearing their hideous head
Morally decapitating
Spiritually castrating
Mental arrangements turned to dust
Feeding this impulsive breeding lust
Knowing what is right causes the fight
Daily intervention is the difference
Between day and night
Many will say "Did we not toil in Your name?"
Depart from me, workers of lawlessness
Depart from me, I never knew you

7. Malignant Masters 3:35
In these days of increased learning
Liberal scholars lead the pack
Converting and diluting
Is their cancerous attack
Malignant... malignant
Holding positions of power
Infesting colleges and schools
Self appointed wise men who are truly only fools
With diplomas and degrees
And higher learning as their mask
Divine truths are slowly smothered
They've accomplished their vile task
But there still exists a remnant
Who are faithful to their call
A shining light in the darkness
Refusing those who will fall
They perpetrate the myth of spiritual neutrality
Denial of our fallen nature
Only feeds man's carnality
The simplicity that is in Christ
Cuts through their futile lies
By exposing them for what they are
We will welcome their demise
Malignant... malignant

8. Defaced 3:10
Hacking at a corpse of truth
The ancient scribes defaced
Mouths that reek of racial hatred
Scream words of false translation
Boring into skulls of innocents
Attempting to eliminate the unpure
Defaced - God's sword of truth
Defaced - wake up you fool
Spewing violence of other races
There is no scriptural basis
Beware which spirit has filled you
Ignorance is no excuse
Brutal acts based on treason
Defaced - God's sword of truth
Defaced - wake up you fool

9. Comatose 5:28
Embodied into this world
Satan's curse upon your head
The age of discernment seals
Your fates final end
Living in the unconscious realm
Not hearing Christ knock
Too dead to reality
Talking but not walking the walk
Comatose your infested body lies awake
Comatose souls deprived of spiritual food
Comatose this unconscious decision slowly
Contaminates you
Minds and souls set apart
Wickedness searing from the start
Identities drawn but you never look beyond
Your filthy blackened heart

10. Immanent Wrath 2:55
Fall prostrate now before the Nazarene
Creator of all both seen and unseen
The clock has struck midnight
Your life hangs in the balance
The hammer drops no reprieve
Hell will welcome your talents
That has caused this fate
Of eternal torment
You shook your fist at the Anointed
Your daily blasphemy
Obsession of evil intent
Released upon the earth
Malignancy inside your soul
You lack the second birth
No excuse for you now
Only your ignorant self to blame
The truth you sought was self evident
But instead you choose to mame
If only you could return
To warn others of their fate
Let them heed prophetic warnings
Until they reach the judgement gate

11. No Exceptions 2:33
Hanging on the cross the price was paid
Blood shed for remission of sins
You don't care well that's too bad
There will be a price to pay
He's the living God
Raised from the dead
Crucify your life
Through Christ be born again
Satan is defeated
Christ in victory rose from the dead
Satan puffs himself up to appear mighty
He knows his future is in the flames
Your whole life was just day one of eternity
Jesus wants to greet you in his loving embrace
There are no exceptions
If you haven't chosen Christ you chose Satan
There is no middle ground
Your eternity depends on your choice
He's the living God
Raised from the dead
Crucify your life
Through Christ be born again
He's alive

12. Perverse Policies 8:26
13. Misrepresented Representation 5:37
14. Prophet Of Death 4:35
15. Crimson Thorn 3:47
16. Plagued 6:58
17. Corruption Of The Flesh 4:10
18. No Suicide 2:17

Dissection (album)

1997, Morphine Records (CD)
1999, Little Rose Productions (CD)
2021, Retroactive Records, Bombworks Records, Remastered (CD)
May 20, 2023, Bombworks Records, Remastered, Limited Edition (12" Vinyl)

Track 14 on the original release is actually only 3:40.  It contains an untitled hidden track.

1. Beaten Beyond 4:19
Beaten beyond recognition
A mutilation extreme
The sacrificial lamb prepared for slaughter
God in the form of a man, holy and supreme

Chief priest plot to kill based on blasphemy
Innocent blood, betrayed and denied
Cased built on envy

Not a word spoken in defense
Witnesses no longer needed
Symbolic washing of the hands
The crowds violent hatred feeded

Fulfillment of the prediction
Acknowledgement counted among the wicked
The onslaught of agony
Despisement shown in a bloodied frenzy

Arrival of the execution
Excruciating pain entwined with suffocation
Testimony of humiliations punishing demands
Pouring fourth the innocent blood of the Nazarene

Mourning over the body, awaiting anointing
Darkness reveling, a sorrowful doom
Lamented weeping concluded at the skull
Covenant shed, forgiveness of sins

2. Eternal Life 3:29
That which is born of flesh is flesh
That which is born of spirit is spirit
A man cannot see the kingdom of God
Unless he is born of the spirit
That's why the followers of Christ
Are called born again

Grow in grace in the knowledge
Of our Lord and Savior (Jesus Christ)
To Him be glory both now and forever
Talk to Him daily and study His Word
So that your spirit may grow

I will rejoice in the Lord
My soul shall be joyful in my God
For He has clothed me
With the garments of salvation
And has covered me with the robe of righteousness

For true Christians are the light of the world
Blessed are they who are persecuted for it
Because theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
Let your light shine so that men
May see what you have done
And glorify your Father which is in Heaven

Whoever hears the sayings of Jesus and does them
Will be likened to a wise man who built his house on a rock
And the rain descended
And the floods came and the wind blew and beat upon the house
And it fell not
Because it was founded upon a rock

And whoever hears the sayings of Christ
And does not do them shall be likened unto a man who built his house upon the sand
And the storms descended upon the house
And it fell and great was its fall

Open your eyes to a relationship with Christ
Continually seek His Word
Become a true disciple
A child of God
Then you shall know the truth
The truth shall set you free

Don't put your trust in the riches of this world
Trust in the living God who gives us all things to enjoy
That you'll be rich in good works, spiritual treasures, benevolence, generosity

By the mercies of God
Present your bodies
A living sacrifice
Holy, acceptable unto God
Though Christ is absent in the flesh
He is with us in the spirit
Receive Him in your heart
And walk in faith

So let us fight the good fight
And run the race before us
Lay aside every weight of sin
That so easily sops us

Whoever is born in God
Will have the victory
To know the one true God, Jesus Christ
This is eternal life

3. Deepest Affliction 4:06
O Lord my God, I cry out in affliction
Let my prayer come before you
With troubles, the soul is surfeited
Life draws near to the nether world

Weeping and gnashing
Excruciating infliction
Never ending convulsion
Pain tearing apart

Dwelling places among the dead
Like the slain who lie in the grave
Whom are remembered no longer
And are cut off from your care

Eyes have grown dim through affliction
Outward the stretching limbs
Increase of lamentations
Outcry, catharsis of prayer

Sorrow filled realms call in mourning
Existing chorus of please
Only a companion of darkness
Atonement claims, replacing grief

Among those who have departed
Shadows arise to give you thanks
Justice shed within oblivion
Declared kindness in the grave

Eyes have grown dim through affliction
Outward the stretching of limbs
Increase of lamentations
Outcry, catharsis of prayer

4. Dissection 3:45
In the kingdom of the cults
False prophets abound
Willfully ignoring
Where the truth may be found
Outwardly they're cloaked
In the attire of a sheep
But sincere intentions
Won't hinder what they'll reap

Dissection of the cultic corpse
Extraction of the lies
Preparation for burial
The malignancy must die

Fulfillment of prophetic visions
False teachings shall arise
To satisfy their itching ears
Men believe the hell-spawned lies
By altering the scriptures
Divine truths are nullified
To the point of tears Paul warned us
Those worst fears are now realized

How many will be infected
In this plague of compromise
With the constant call for unity
Satan's found his best disguise
All teachings and doctrines
Must be put to the test
Divine scripture is the standard
Upholding truth must be our quest

5. Putrid Condemnation 3:17
Condemnation seeping, loathing this perilous way
Sewers of compromise, I now open my eyes to the truth

You rotten filthy stinking piece of dung
I can't wait to see you die
Into the eternal flames you will walk
I love to hate the father of lies

Oblivious subversion poisoning
Numb to the silent repercussions
Realizing the control of blinding darkness
Exacerbated ways seal your destruction

Time draws near for your demise
My hate for you so intense
No one will mourn when all life is taken from you scum
The father of lies

An end to your sovereignty
Severed from all existence
Extraction of authority
Fallen again to final defeat

6. All Authority 6:00
It may surprise the majority
But many attempts in resolving
The spiritual and meaning of life
Are lost within the shadows

Craving of esoteric knowledge
Grisly evidence of aberrations
Unlocking unthinkable atrocities
You now must pay with your life

All authority given
Not an equal but a vanquished foe
Dunameos energeian kratous kai ischous
Power working strength and might

Renounce the involvement
Encounter the demoniac standing firm
Having girded your loins with truth
From the threshold of your mind

Testing of the spirits which indwell
Discernment unfolds the reality of truth
Becoming subject to Christ they leave
Overwhelmed by His supremacy

Elements of protection
Speaking God's Word
If there is any excellence, anything worthy or praise
Let your mind dwell on these things

7. Blood Letting 4:15
You say you come to me
Because of the blood I shed
But deep down inside it was
Of circumstances instead

Because of this bleeding you let
This hopeless cadaver of flesh
You would not forget
Redeemed, purified while justified

Blood is the only covering to atone
Your life link found in His blood
Not from circumstances along
From death freedom gained eternally

There is no answer to this cancer
And smell of rotting flesh
Only pure blood will heal the wounds
And embalms Christ within

The Prince of Peace given in carnage butchery
Bloodstained and broken for you
Let Him spill that precious flow
All over to make us whole

8. My Salvation 0:48
The Lord is my strength and my son
He has become my salvation
He is my God and I will praise Him
My father's God and I will exalt Him

May the words of my mouth
And the meditation of my heart
Be pleasing in your sight O Lord
My rock and my redeemer

The Lord is my light and my salvation
Whom shall I fear
The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Of whom shall I be afraid
Into your hands I commit my spirit
Redeem me O Lord God of truth
The Lord redeems His servants
No one will be condemned who takes refuge in Him

My soul finds rest in God alone
My salvation comes from Him
God wants for all to be saved
Today is the day of salvation

9. Suffering 5:00
10. I Ask 1:41
Lord forgive me for my sins
Cleanse me of my unrighteousness
I worship and praise Your holy name

I ask for strength to resist temptation
I ask for wisdom in all things
Cover me with Your blood, and fill me with Your Spirit
Make me Your disciple
I thank You for Your love, Your grace, and forgiveness
For who You are and what You've done
Jesus Christ
Who loved us so much, You took the penalty for our sins

Lord help me to deny my flesh and keep my mind on You
Take up my cross and follow behind You
I will be hated for Your name's sake
But You will never leave me or forsake me
Give me courage to face the things before me
And let my ears hear Your voice
Help me to understand Your Word
And read and pray daily

Crush the head of Satan
Glory be to Jesus Christ

11. 2nd Timothy 3 2:59
You must understand this
In the last days distressing times will come
Men shall be lovers of their own selves
Covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers
Disobedient to parents
Unthankful, unholy
Inhuman, false accusers, fierce, haters of good
Traitors, heady, high-minded
Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God
Having the outward form of godliness
But denying the power thereof
Turn away from them for this sort
Are they which creep into houses
And lead captive gullible women laden with sins
Led away with diverse lusts
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of truth
There also resists the truth
Men of corrupt mind
Reprobate concerning the faith
But they shall proceed no further
For their fall shall be manifest unto all men
And all that live in Christ Jesus
Will suffer persecution
But evil men will go from bad to worse
Deceiving and being deceived
All scripture is given by inspiration of God
And is useful for teaching
For correction and for training in righteousness
So that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient
Equipped for every good work
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ
I will suffer persecution rather than deny

12. Grave Of Rebirth 4:57
Narrative of the climax
Brother of performed acts
Illness afflicts Lazarus
Remaining place of rest

Lazarus lies

Sickness of the undeath
Glorified through wrath
Awaken the received
Performance to believe
Master and disciples
Past mortal arrival
Placed into the Earth
Promise of rebirth

Lazarus dies

Lack of presence questioned
Disturbed in reaction
Weeping instruction
Removal tomb obstruction

Crying voice commands
From the grave ascend
Bounding burial garments
Return to life present

Lazarus rise

Theme of life dominations
Resurrection integrates
Exchanging the deceased
Life gained through belief

13. Psallo 3:37
I will praise you O Lord with all my heart
I will tell of all Your wonders
I will be glad and rejoice in You
I will sing praise to Your name O Most High

I will give thanks to the Lord
Because of His righteousness
And will sing praises to the name
Of the Lord Most High

The Lord reigns forever
He has established His throne for judgement
He will judge the world in righteousness
He will govern the peoples with justice

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer
My God is my rock in whom shall I take refuge
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation
My stronghold

14. Loud 'N' Clear (Stryper cover) 10:31

14. Anorexia Spiritual (Living Sacrifice cover) 5:02
15. Something Else 1:59
16. Loud & Clear (Stryper cover) 3:39

Purification (album)

2002, Independent (CD)
May 2007, Silent Music Records (CD)
October 29, 2021, Retroactive Records, Bombworks Records, Remastered (CD)
May 20, 2023, Bombworks Records, Remastered, Limited Edition (12" Vinyl)

The Silent Music release contains three live bonus tracks and two tracks from the demo "Plagued".
The 2021 remaster contains just the live bonus tracks.

1. Lack Of Compassion 4:21
Jesus said they'll know Christians by our love
Do not judge or you will be judged
Holier than thou, have you never sinned?
The Bible says all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

Jesus came for the sinners, not the righteous
All men are sinners
He ate with sinners and had compassion for them
God poured out His love and the sinners turned and followed Him

Holier than thou
Turning people off to God because of despisement in your voice
Holier than thou
Pharisees and Sadducees
Holier than thou
Show compassion for those who do not yet know Christ
Holier than thou
Love the sinner, hate the sin

If they were only shown the love of Jesus
And not your despisement and condemnation

For God so loved the world
That he gave His one and only Son
That whoever believes in Him
Shall not perish but have everlasting life
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world
But to save the world through Him

Satan loves it when you make a mockery of God's love
Claiming to be a Christian but spitting venom and hate
The Bible says the world will hate Christians, because it rejects Christ
Not because we acted like a bunch of jerks
Turn your self-righteousness into humility
Accept others with their faults as God accepted you
Who made you a judge, holier than thou
It makes me want to cry to see the harm you do

The sinner you see may have never before been shown love
Pain may be all they know, but Christ can heal their wounds
As ambassadors for Christ it's our job to lead them to Him

They should know we are Christians by our love
The Bible says they'll know we are Christians by our love!

2. Humbled 3:51
Satan knows your weaknesses, he knows just how to tempt you
You'll get hit at your weakest moment, fall into sin again and again
Then depression sets in, you feel so bad that you've fallen again
You feel too ashamed to turn back to God, then you begin to turn away

Resistance against Satan is not futile, the Bible says
Resist him and he'll flee from you

Humble yourself before God and He'll lift you up
Draw near to Him and He'll draw near to you
Don't turn away from Jesus
He wants to heal your heart and make you whole
Confess your sins and repent
All Christians stumble and make mistakes
Who can save us from our bodies of death

Never rationalize your sin
Never tell yourself it's not that bad
Never justify your sin, finding reasons to say it's not your fault or that it's not wrong
Mourn and wail against your sin
Bring it to God and He'll forgive you
Our spirits seek righteousness and God, our flesh is weak, they're in constant war

Submission to God is the only way to defeat evil
Our Lord and Savior Jesus is the way

There were some people who were confident of their own righteousness
They looked down on everyone else
Jesus told this parable
Two men went up to the temple to pray
One a Pharisee and the other a tax collector
The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself
"God I thank you that I am not like other men.
Robbers, evildoers, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get."
But the tax collector stood at a distance
He would not even look up to Heaven, but beat his chest and said "God have mercy on me, a sinner."
I tell you the tax collector rather than the Pharisee went home justified before God
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted

3. Sarcastic Deviation 4:27
Creeping into the chapter of you
The sin you welcome
Multiply strife
Increased death life extinction

Existence that endures
One must see its scheme
All wrapped up in its allure
Demise of yourself is foreseen

Desire that is unquenchable
Fulfillment sought from the natural
Settle for a cheap imitation
The heart cold and hardened

The continuation of a struggle
Freedom seems but a dream
Holding fast to the giver of life
Persistence because of His grace

Sarcastic deviation
Wanting to call you its own
Despising its deception
Truth found in Him, the Cornerstone

4. Withered 3:53
I am the true vine
My Father is the gardener
He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit
He prunes the fruitful branch so it will be more fruitful

If anyone does not remain in Me
He's like a branch that's thrown away and withers
Thrown into the fire and burned

I am the vine, you are the branches
If a man remains in Me and I in him
He will bear much fruit
Apart from Christ you can do nothing

As the Father has loved me
So have I loved you
Now remain in My love

If you obey my commands
You will remain in My love
Just as I've obeyed my Father's commands
And remain in His love

5. My Neighbor 3:32
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus.
"Teacher," he asked, "What must I do to inherit eternal life? What is written in the law?"
He replied "How do you read it?"
He answered "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself."
"You have answered correctly," Jesus replied.  Do this and you will live."
But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus "And who is my neighbor?"
In reply, Jesus said...
"A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers.
They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away leaving him half dead.
A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
But a Samaritan as he traveled came to where the man was, and when he saw him, he took pity on him.
He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.
Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.
The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper.
'Look after him,' he said.
'And when I return I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" Jesus asked.
The expert in law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

6. Narrow 6:19
Our cry is for freedom
For what feels good
Aren't there many paths to God
But none understood

Behold the glory and the radiance
All truth found in His Word
It's an all-or-nothing thing
No man comes to God except through His Son

Your belief is archaic
It's all they cry
Again with no standards failing
So many try

A spirit of treason
Billions filled with delusions
Give back the truth
Renewed absolutes filling your minds

Behold the glory and the radiance
All truth found in His Word
It's an all-or-nothing thing
No man comes to God except through His Son

Through supplication
We prove you wrong
Clinging to abhorrent separation
It's what we long

Don't be deceived by
Decaying humanity
No one was meant to be lost
Christ died so all could receive

Whether you agree or not
Truth stands alone
Misguided doctrines of convenience
His ways are not our own

7. Eviscerate 3:30
The wrath of God is being revealed
From Heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men
Darkened hearts worship the creation
Exchanging the truth for a lie

Suppressors of truth
Are without excuse
Eviscerate, transgressive state

Modern man has both feet firmly planted in midair
He who is not with Christ is against Him
He who does not gather with Him scatters

We have Christ, an anchor for the soul
Firm and secure
Come near to God, He will come near to you

8. Meaningless 3:03
What is the life worth living?
Living life in the fear of God

Seeing wealth as the road to satisfaction
Our hopes are always disappointed
Living life in measureless frustration
Or living life in the fear of God

We must live life as humble true worshippers
If we are ever to enjoy living
As God intended us to live

Contentment is God's mandate for our lives
True contentment is an act of faith

9. The Word 4:16
Words of wisdom, words of life
God gave us His Word to teach us His ways
Reading and studying
A great passion of mine

The words are alive, they strengthen my spirit
They give me direction, they teach me God's will
Ancient scrolls
Just as relevant now to our modern life

Book of rules, regulations
Those who've rejected Christ think it's meant to oppress
But the freedom to my spirit
The words bring tears to my eyes

False doctrine creeps in at every chance
People misquote and take things out of context
You need to study for yourself what's written in the Word
Study what's taught to you, and find out for yourself if it's true

Know the scriptures, know the Word
Sermons are great, but they shouldn't be your only choice
And like I said, test the sermons
Find out for yourself if they're scripturally sound

But all the Bible study in the world
Is no good if it's not put into practice
Knowing the love others, but showing them hate
Makes your studying null and void

His Spirit residing within you
Is what makes the Word come alive in your life
He'll fill you with His fire and cover with His blood
Ask Jesus to enter your heart, He'll give you all you need
His love is like no other, His forgiveness has no end

The choice is yours, He's given you free will
We have the ability to choose evil or good
It's a free gift He's offering you, please take it and become His child
His arms are open waiting for you

His living words contained in the Bible pertain to every part of your life
It's not some outdated literature, it's not behind the times
It's what's relevant then, it's relevant now
It's relevant to the future of humankind
Don't deprive yourself of the most important thing in life

10. Misguided Mercy 5:05
A picture's worth a thousand words
A word is worth a thousand hurts
Offensive teaching causes abject misery
The only cure is compassionate sorcery

Ears like a hairpin trigger
Indignation getting bigger
Can't control animosity
At another's perceived pomposity

Moving on is now allowed
Perpetrators are disavowed
They fail to tolerate all acts
Feeling they speak enlightened facts

Point of view of Christian:

But much offense is misguided
Too many things make them see red
To stand for nothing is to die
Allowing you to believe a lie

A new generation of Sodomites
Demand respect and certain rights
Offended and making a fuss
At hearing the bold words of Jesus

The Word was given to proclaim
Speaking it should not bring shame
Tolerance may seem right at first
But tolerating sin is worse

11. Finding 4:08
Merely living, not walking
True passion is what you long for
Higher focus on your problems
Deepened awareness to seek your face

Arranging life according to your taste
Preoccupation, selfish nature
Indulgence, conformist
Your demands, one in the same

Entertaining thoughts that lead to sin
Excesses claiming the mind
Turning to God to improve your life
All knowing ignorance buries you alive

Finding God in the midst of hell
Growing in Christ, spiritual
Peace sought in restoration
Resting in God is the solution

12. Masquerade Deceit 5:33
Endless deception claims death as obsession
Ill-spoken lie justifies the oppression

Tempting corruption the minds that receive them
Resulting realms of chaos and mayhem

Constant decay destroys life that is living
Twisted remains breeding the lies you're giving

Truth leads to terror in mere minds deceived
Lies precede death for those who believe

Summoning defeat
Masquerade deceit

Outraged emotions wasting unjust repression
Freedoms abased in this worthless statement

Deceitful release south in morbid desire
Escaping of life to existence of fire

Absence of power corruption in violence
Commonplace evil ends hope of benevolence

Crossover minds to existence worth while
Preventing disgrace drains desire for the trial

13. Intro + Immanent Wrath (Live) 4:07
14. Sarcastic Deviation (Live) 4:29
15. Putrid Condemnation (Live) 3:18
16. Crimson Thorn (Demo) 3:49
17. Corruption Of The Flesh (Demo) 4:09

13. Intro/Imminent Wrath (Live) 4:05
14. Sarcastic Deviation (Live) 4:27
15. Putrid Condemnation (Live) 3:17

A Thorn In The Flesh (Live In Minneapolis) (video, 2005, Independent) (DVD)

There have been bootlegs containing more live footage.

1. Intro
2. Imminent Wrath
3. Sarcastic Deviation
4. Putrid Condemnation
5. Lack Of Compassion

Unearthed For Dissection (compilation, 2005, Independent) (2 CD)

Disc 1, tracks 1-11 are from "Unearthed".
Disc 1, tracks 12-15 are from "Plagued".
Disc 2, tracks 1-13 are from "Dissection".
Disc 2, tracks 14-16 are from "Plagued".

1. Unearthed 3:21
2. Decrepit 3:30
3. Cultivate Decay 4:03
4. Ignorant Self 3:03
5. Your Carcass 2:56
6. Asphyxiated 3:28
7. Malignant Masters 3:35
8. Defaced 3:10
9. Comatose 5:28
10. Imminent Wrath 2:55
11. No Exceptions 2:33
12. Perverse Policies 8:26
13. Misrepresented Representation 5:37
14. Prophet Of Death 4:35
15. Crimson Thorn 3:47

1. Beaten Beyond 4:19
2. Eternal Life 3:29
3. Deepest Affliction 4:06
4. Dissection 3:45
5. Putrid Condemnation 3:17
6. All Authority 6:00
7. Blood Letting 4:15
8. My Salvation 0:48
9. Suffering 5:00
10. I Ask 1:41
11. 2nd Timothy 2:59
12. Grave Of Rebirth 4:57
13. Psallo 3:37
14. Plagued 6:58
15. Corruption Of The Flesh 4:10
16. No Suicide 2:17

Anthology Of Brutality: 1992-2002, The Complete Collective Works (compilation)

March 28, 2017, Bombworks Records (3 CD)
June 9, 2017, Bombworks Records (Digital)

A boxed set containing all tracks remastered.
Disc 1, tracks 1-11 are from "Unearthed".
Disc 1, tracks 12-18 are from "Plagued".
Disc 2, tracks 1-13 are from "Dissection".
Disc 2, track 14 is a cover of "Anorexia Spiritual" by Living Sacrifice.
Disc 2, track 15 is a b-side titled "Something Else".
Disc 3, tracks 1-12 are from "Purification".
Disc 3, tracks 13-15 are from "Live In Minneapolis".

1. Unearthed 3:18
2. Decrepit 3:27
3. Cultivate Decay 4:00
4. Ignorant Self 2:59
5. Your Carcass 2:52
6. Asphyxiated 3:24
7. Malignant Masters 3:30
8. Defaced 3:05
9. Comatose 5:23
10. Imminent Wrath 2:21
11. No Exceptions 2:31
12. Perverse Policies (Demo) 8:21
13. Misrepresented Representation (Demo) 5:32
14. Prophet Of Death (Demo) 4:29
15. Crimson Thorn (Demo) 3:45
16. Plagued (Demo) 6:54
17. Corruption Of The Flesh (Demo) 4:05
18. No Suicide (Demo) 2:16

1. Beaten Beyond 4:17
2. Eternal Life 3:28
3. Deepest Affliction 4:03
4. Dissection 3:45
5. Putrid Condemnation 3:16
6. All Authority 5:58
7. Bloodletting 4:14
8. My Salvation 0:47
9. Suffering 4:58
10. I Ask 1:39
11. 2nd Timothy 3 2:57
12. Grave Of Rebirth 4:56
13. Psallo 3:36
14. Anorexia Spiritual (Living Sacrifice cover) 5:02
15. Something Else 1:59
16. Loud 'N' Clear (Stryper cover) 3:39

1. Lack Of Compassion 4:20
2. Humbled 3:50
3. Sarcastic Deviation 4:25
4. Withered 3:52
5. My Neighbor 3:31
6. Narrow 6:17
7. Eviscerate 3:27
8. Meaningless 3:01
9. The Word 4:14
10. Misguided Mercy 5:04
11. Finding 4:06
12. Masquerade Deceit 5:34
13. Inro - Imminent Wrath (Live In Minneapolis) 4:05
14. Sarcastic Deviation (Live In Minneapolis) 4:27
15. Putrid Condemnation (Live In Minneapolis) 3:17

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