Sunday, February 27, 2022



GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Bertioga, São Paulo, Brazil

Douglas Liberato - Vocals, Guitars
Márcio - Bass
Carlão - Drums

Past members:
Cezar - Drums
Ricardo - Drums


Os Sete Flagelos (demo, 2004, Os Sete Flagelos) (CD-R)

1. Excluídos
Ficarão de fora os cães os feiticeiros e todos que cometem iniqüidade
Ficarão de fora os tolos e todos que blasfemam contra o nome do Criador
E Ele virá, com poder e grande glória e não adianta o homem se enganar
E Ele virá, com poder e grande fúria e condenará a todos que cometem iniqüidade e Ele virá, Ele virá, Ele virá e Ele virá

2. Mórbido Mundo
Assim como está escrito, não tentarás o teu Deus!
Pois, a Ele pertence todo poder
Posso ver o mal, imperar sobre vidas de seres vazios
A terra se abalou e os montes não foram achados
Posso ouvir prantos e lamentações
Daqueles que negaram ao Senhor
Agora vejo o fim do demônio e de todo o seu mal
Quem intentará contra o braço forte do Senhor?
Certamente não sobreviverá!
Vi o céu aberto, e um cavaleiro que peleja com justiça!
Seus olhos são como chamas de fogo
De sua boca uma espada para ferir as nações
E Ele se chama Verbo de Deus

3. Resurrection
The cross is empty, the tomb is open, victory over death his attaining
The cross is there empty, the tomb is there open, no sign of corpse
Jesus I want to speak to you, love, love, love, Jesus I want to speak to you, love, love, love
I want to speak to you, by the third day he resurrected, when down till the hell
Take the key from hands of demon, the only the power is now in his hands

4. Ateus
Olhe para o céu e sinta poder, olhe para o mar e sinta poder
Olhe para florestas e sinta poder, porque o ser humano dá lugar ao mal
Deixando o diabo usar sua própria boca, dizendo que não existe Deus!
Então quem fez tudo isso, morra satanás, morra satanás, morra satanás
Em nome de Jesus
Mas existiu quem ao terceiro dia ressuscitou, pra nos dar a salvação eterna
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus I love you!

5. Conversão
Eis que vem o dia e arde como fogo, que todos os soberbos e impiedosos
Serão como palha no dia do Senhor e não deixará nem raiz nem ramo
Mas para os que temem o nome do Senhor nascerá o sol da justiça
Trazendo salvação em suas asas aceite a salvação do sol da justiça
Destruição do anticristo, salvação pelo poder de Cristo, conversão do coração do homem!

6. Os Sete Flagelos
Quem tem ouvidos ouça o que o Espírito diz às igrejas!
Ouvi do santuário uma voz anunciando a cólera de Deus
Úlceras malignas e perniciosas sobre os adoradores de satã
O mar se verteu em sangue destruidor
Tochas de fogo caíram sobre homens que foram consumidos por seus pecados
As trevas atemorizaram a todos mesmo assim não se arrependeram
Espíritos imundos invadem a terra, demônios que fazem sinais!
Relâmpagos, vozes e trovões um grande terremoto
E a grande Babilônia recebe o cálice da ira de Deus
O diabo foi lançado no lago de fogo e enxofre e será atormentado dia e noite
Pelo século dos séculos vi um grande trono branco
Vi também os mortos e eles foram julgados
Esta é a palavra da profecia o tempo está próximo!

Nofek / Devotam (split, 2005, Independent) (CD)

1. Nofek - Templo Maldito 4:52
2. Nofek - Os Sete Flagelos 4:25
Quem tem ouvidos ouça o que o Espírito diz às igrejas!
Ouvi do santuário uma voz anunciando a cólera de Deus
Úlceras malignas e perniciosas sobre os adoradores de satã
O mar se verteu em sangue destruidor
Tochas de fogo caíram sobre homens que foram consumidos por seus pecados
As trevas atemorizaram a todos mesmo assim não se arrependeram
Espíritos imundos invadem a terra, demônios que fazem sinais!
Relâmpagos, vozes e trovões um grande terremoto
E a grande Babilônia recebe o cálice da ira de Deus
O diabo foi lançado no lago de fogo e enxofre e será atormentado dia e noite
Pelo século dos séculos vi um grande trono branco
Vi também os mortos e eles foram julgados
Esta é a palavra da profecia o tempo está próximo!

3. Nofek - Conversão 4:32
4. Nofek - Gólgota 5:07
5. Nofek - A Batalha Contra As Trevas 5:49

Golgota (demo, 2006, Independent) (format unknown)

1. Aniquilação
2. Templo Maldito


BAND NAME: Vitality
GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Changed name
LOCATION: Fredrikstand, Viken, Norway

Last-known lineup:
Sven-Erik Lind - Vocals
Karl Fredrik Lind - Guitars
Bengt Olsson - Lead Guitars
Bjarne Peder Lind - Bass
Glenn-David Lind - Drums

Past members:
Morgan Lind - Bass


Doom Of Antichrist (demo, 1997, Independent) (Cassette)

1. Away From The Destruction 7:12
A breeze from the nocturnal forest
Howls in the northern sky
The moon is hidden by clouds
Dawn may not come...

The breeze is icy and makes me freeze
Darkness surrounds me
Everything is dying
There is no light

I hear shrieks from the masses
Whose hearts are black
Lost in the northern cold
Helpless without hope

I'm not afraid
My heart is clean
I'm living by my faith in Christ
Sanctified by His blood

As I look around myself
I see ruins of the holocaust
All life soaked into lifeless dust

Suddenly, as from nowhere
The Master comes
To bring His people home
To fulfill the prophecies
And the promise

The day is past, I'm going to the everlife
Away from the destruction
To eternity!

2. Doom Of Antichrist 5:39
3. Missing Souls 4:08
Listen to the Word of God
Your soul is missing

Cry out
The truth will reach your mind
The healing life

No soul will ever live in peace
Without Him
Submit to the Savior...

Heed the name
That brings salvation
Heed the name - Jesus

4. Dead And Rotten
I see the souls of the world are burning
Eternal flames
In the lake of fire

Your life is on the edge of death
Your mind is dying
Following the way of heathens
Wasting of life
Crush out the statements of the world
They're nothing but lies
Your rotten brain is so ignorant
In a desperate need of Christ

Dead and rotten minds
Will be cleansed by the blood of Christ

Souls of the world, the unholy
Will die in the flames
Those who die with their faith in Christ
Will live forever in the kingdom of God

Christ is seeking you, just let him in

Without the essence of life
Your soul is lost
If you don't believe in God
There's no life in you
Satan tries to confuse you
With his awful lies
But the Bible is made
For you to find the truth

Dead and rotten minds
Will be cleansed by the blood of Christ

Wake up! You must now decide
Life or death? It's up to you

Dead and rotten minds
Will be cleansed by the blood of Christ

5. Frykt Ikke 6:21
Frykt ikke, broder, broder i Krist
Frykt ikke verden og mørkets makt
Frykt ikke døden, den når ikke oss
Den seier vant Jesus
På syndens kors

Vi er reddet av blodet
Frelst fra undergang
Jesus, den evige, har tatt vår synd
Lammet ble drept
Men stod opp igjen
Dødsriket stormet
Jesus har all makt!

Derfor frykt ikke det onde
For Gud beskytter deg alltid
Han som makten tilhører

Frykte ikke...
Gud har makten
Satan har tapt

Demo 96/97 (1997, Independent) (Cassette)

Same tracklisting as "Doom Of Antichrist" but an early recording with a different title and cover.

1. Away From The Destruction 7:08
A breeze from the nocturnal forest
Howls in the northern sky
The moon is hidden by clouds
Dawn may not come...

The breeze is icy and makes me freeze
Darkness surrounds me
Everything is dying
There is no light

I hear shrieks from the masses
Whose hearts are black
Lost in the northern cold
Helpless without hope

I'm not afraid
My heart is clean
I'm living by my faith in Christ
Sanctified by His blood

As I look around myself
I see ruins of the holocaust
All life soaked into lifeless dust

Suddenly, as from nowhere
The Master comes
To bring His people home
To fulfill the prophecies
And the promise

The day is past, I'm going to the everlife
Away from the destruction
To eternity!

2. Doom Of The Antichrist 5:42
Listen blackened souls
Failures, blasphemers of Christ
Your time, in this age of chaos
Will come, the day of wrath...

Your theory, the rise of hell
Will never come, the time will show
Evil symbols are dying
In the light of Christ

Failures, blasphemers of Christ
Surrender to Him
Receive eternal life

The time of antichrist is coming
This is the end of the age

In this coming age
The pain will be big
For unbelievers
So there's one thing to be said:
Receive the words of truth!

Seek the Lord
Remain with Him
Eternal life

The antichrist is helpless
Fighting for its life
Losing power
As we plunder hell

The day of victory will come...

Wrath, pain and death
Becomes the doom of antichrist

3. Missing Souls 4:06
Listen to the Word of God
Your soul is missing

Cry out
The truth will reach your mind
The healing life

No soul will ever live in peace
Without Him
Submit to the Savior...

Heed the name
That brings salvation
Heed the name - Jesus

4. Dead And Rotten 7:52
I see the souls of the world are burning
Eternal flames
In the lake of fire

Your life is on the edge of death
Your mind is dying
Following the way of heathens
Wasting of life
Crush out the statements of the world
They're nothing but lies
Your rotten brain is so ignorant
In a desperate need of Christ

Dead and rotten minds
Will be cleansed by the blood of Christ

Souls of the world, the unholy
Will die in the flames
Those who die with their faith in Christ
Will live forever in the kingdom of God

Christ is seeking you, just let him in

Without the essence of life
Your soul is lost
If you don't believe in God
There's no life in you
Satan tries to confuse you
With his awful lies
But the Bible is made
For you to find the truth

Dead and rotten minds
Will be cleansed by the blood of Christ

Wake up! You must now decide
Life or death? It's up to you

Dead and rotten minds
Will be cleansed by the blood of Christ

5. Frykt Ikke 4:14
Frykt ikke, broder, broder i Krist
Frykt ikke verden og mørkets makt
Frykt ikke døden, den når ikke oss
Den seier vant Jesus
På syndens kors

Vi er reddet av blodet
Frelst fra undergang
Jesus, den evige, har tatt vår synd
Lammet ble drept
Men stod opp igjen
Dødsriket stormet
Jesus har all makt!

Derfor frykt ikke det onde
For Gud beskytter deg alltid
Han som makten tilhører

Frykte ikke...
Gud har makten
Satan har tapt

Later that same year, the band's name was changed to Drottnar.



BAND NAME: Vital Decision
GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Changed name
LOCATION: Jönköping, Jönköping, Sweden

Last-known lineup:
Simon Rosén - Vocals
Johan Ylenstrand - Vocals, Guitars
Daniel Hermansson - Bass
David Johansson - Drums


Vital Decision (demo)

1998, Independent (Cassette)
2002, Independent (CD-R)

1. Preludium 1:37
"You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "You're my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me, no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. Even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no Savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed -- I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witness," declares the LORD, "that I am God. Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out from my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?"

(Isaiah 43:10-13)

2. The Dead Will Leave Their Graves 5:51
Do not be surprised, but there will come a time when all the dead in their graves will hear the voice of the Son of Man

And they will come out of their graves
Those who have done good will rise and live
But those who have done evil will rise and be condemned
Those who have done evil will rise and be condemned

The dead will hear his voice
The dead will leave their graves

Our Lord is Christ, the Almighty
His blood has made us free from sin
And he has opened the doors to salvation

At the day of judgment, all humans will hear the voice of the Son of Man, even the dead
Yes! Even the dead in their graves

The dead will hear his voice
The dead will leave their graves
The dead will hear his voice
The dead will leave their graves
They will leave their graves!

3. Live Forever 5:26
Searching for a higher power.
You find a new "religion".
You sacrificed a lot for that new religion.
But you didn't get anything back.

Live forever!
Live forever!
Live forever!
Live forever!

You thought that you was a loser and that God didn't loved you but one day you heard a man who was talking about Jesus.

Live forever!
Live forever!
Live forever!
Live forever!

You realised that this was true and that the things you'd heard about the new religion was bullshit.
All your life has been a total darkness.

But now when Jesus came into your life the sun started to shine inside your mind.
You found a point to live: when you die you shall live forever.

Live forever!
Live forever!
Live forever!
Live forever!

Jesus shed his blood for you and me.
Jesus shed his blood for you and me.
Jesus shed his blood for you and me.
Jesus shed his blood for you and me.

4. Persecution Until The Day Of Victory 5:32
We are living in the end of the age.
The ancient prophecies have been carried out, the holy scripture says.
People will rise against people and nations against nations...

And there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
"You will be hated and persecuted because of me," said the Lord, "but those who stand firm to the end will be saved."

You will be hated, you will be persecuted until the day of victory.
Satan hates your soul.
He wants to destroy your life but our Lord Christ has conquered Satan on the cross.
So turn to Jesus and join us in the war against Satan.
Do not fight with your own power.
No! Fight in the power of Jesus!

Persecuted until the day of victory!
Persecuted until the day of victory!

5. Calling Your Name 3:20
You are a person who is crying.
The things in your life hasn't been perfect - something was missing.
Money, fame, drugs, you believed that you would be happy with those things.

I am calling your name, Lord Jesus Christ!
I am calling your name, Lord Jesus Christ!
I am praying for salvation.

Jesus loves you even if your life hasn't been perfect.
If you confess that Jesus is Lord you will be free from your sins.

I am calling your name, Lord Jesus Christ!
I am praying for salvation.

Christ is the only way to eternal peace in your heart.
His blood has made us redeemed and through him we have eternal life.

I am calling your name, Jesus Christ.

Soon after, the band's name was changed to Rapture.


BAND NAME: Inversion
GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: La Mirada, California

Last-known lineup:
Jairus Pascale - Vocals
Jeff Wisdom - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Nathan Hitchkock - Acoustic Guitars, Vocals

Past members:
Mike Rizzo - Guitars
Milton Titus - Drums (1998-1999)



Tarsus Burning (EP, 1999, Independent) (CD)

1. Tears Of Blood 2:45
2. Stillborn Piety 7:57
3. Defilement 2:17
4. Upheld 5:05
5. Night Falls 1:22

The Nature Of Depravity (album)

2000, Independent, Promo (CD)
2000, Independent (CD)
December 6, 2024, Rottweiler Records (Digital)

The promo version only contains the first 12 tracks.
The official version lists only 12 tracks, but all 18 are listed with lyrics in the booklet.
The Rottweiler version does not include tracks 15-17.

1. Apocalyptic 2:29
I saw a star
Coming forth from the tomb of the mutilated
It was given a mouth to spew forth
Perverted words of gore
Seeking only to twist the psyche
Scarring the innocent, betraying the young
With hate and power driving their lies

Hideous thoughts penetrate
Impressioning the mind
Then left to burn inside
'Til acted out in crime

Spread the vile infection
You have no need to fear
Cast off all discretion
The ACLU will protect you here

Hid behind your "freedom"
And say what you will
Each uttered word shall be weighed
Each thought exposed, revealed

Hideous thoughts penetrate
Impressions on the mind
Then left to burn inside
'Til acted out in crime

When will it end?
You cherish your vice
Assert your rights
Mock now
Turn not
And judgment will come

2. Darkened By Hatred 2:52
An immense suffering
Lips charred from hypocrisy
It passes under your eyes
Promises broken
As the bridges you've burned immolate the friendship
My wish is to forgive
Yet my rage wants to kill
Take what you give
None of this makes sense
None of this makes sense
All I see is red

Darkened by hatred
Plagued by fear
Deafened by anger
And stone-hearted will

Neverending pain, neverending conflict
Destroys trust
Promises broken
As the bridges you've burned immolate the friendship
Clamoring again to usurp the throne
Madness on display
I want you to die
I want you to die the way I have

Through truth
Most painful and beautiful
The truth that gives us the answers
That we seek to hide from
Let all men be liars
Let God's Word be true

Darkened by hatred
Plagued by fear
Deafened by anger
And stone-hearted will

3. Unsung Hero 3:57
Unto us bleeds love from ordered chaos
Spectators zealously look as their hopes die
Upon a floor of despisement
Will flowers ever grow in these open wounds?

Or does the sorrow that binds us
Tie its knot too tight?
Grace now a relic that youth
Stare at through museum glass

Still they are ignorant of
Silent evisceration
Feral display prevails
Among this generation

Awakened torrents of rain
Swept mankind from the earth
Terror and fire will consume
Wretched jetsam of creation

Where did the heroes go, and who now stands?
Do all flee the rock in search of shifting sands
Sands of time cease not for human whim
When our time is time we behold Him

Still they are ignorant of
Silent evisceration
Feral display prevails
Among this generation

Awakened torrents of rain
Swept mankind from the earth
Terror and fire will consume
Wretched jetsam of creation

4. If Not Emasculated 4:10
Someone must have thought our representatives
Were the beasts and wife abusers
"Take the sons of this generation
And clothe them in colorless dresses"

Jesus entered the temple marketplace
Felt his fists grow tighter
Walked up to the nearest salesman
Flipped the blasphemed table over

"Make him sensitive"
"Make him soft and spineless"
"How will he be safe if not emasculated?"

Someone must have thought the way to peacefulness
Was to exalt the feminine
Now we're heroless, children motherless
And how closer is the vision?

Jesus gathered the broken fishermen
Who will go with me?
Who will fight with me?
Who will die with me?
Who will lead with me?
Who will be a man with me?

5. Sex With Death 3:15
A thought enters
The flesh deceives
She's hurt, crying
As she goes down on her knees
It's a smokescreen
The false erotic terrorizes
And alone in mourning
She knew it was a lie
But now
Her innocence is sucked away

Morning daylight brings
A sorrowful reality
He went in, took from her
Pleasured her to fill his void
And alone in mourning
She knew it was a lie
But now
Her innocence is sucked away
She feels nothing but these lies

Sex with death
This monster now is laughing
This body, the house
For sex now dead

She embraces her next partner
Deep inside she dies
Kisses her life goodbye
Sex with death
Sex with death

The mortal corpse interred
Her gravestone tells the same sad story:
"The wage of sin is death"
"Killed by desire
Only to wake
And kill myself again
Welcome to sin"
Ask her if it's worth it

6. Thieves 3:59
In your kingdom, would you remember me?
Secure my black pardon, compensate my misery?
My Lord (for though these rusted nails pierce my corrupted flesh)
Oh my Lord (I have purchased nothing)
In your kingdom, would you remember me?
All the things that I have owned
Have turned to dust in my hands
And now even the whores would spit on me
I cannot take but receive
So receive me
Receive me

In your kingdom, would you remember me?
Send water, send angels
Quench my subtle tyranny
My Lord (even my hatred now does not feed my soul)
Oh my Lord (it is worms in my stomach)
In your kingdom, would you remember me?
Lord, receive my spirit

7. Defilement 2:05
Skin torn, blood flow
Limbs tied, throat exposed
On the altar of eternity the sacrifice has been prepared
Offering of indemnity
The justified look on their Lord
Another offering
Is now commencing

Sacrifice of the evil
Must be crushed
Pinned forever to its cross


Skin torn, blood flow
Followers of the dragon tied to the altar

Sacrifice of the evil
Must be crushed
Pinned forever to its cross

This is not a game
This is not a game

8. Independence 5:34
He said
"Anyone who comes to me shall not perish
But have everlasting life"
He said
"Anyone who invites me in
I will come in and dine"
"And anyone who does what I command abides in me and I in him
But alone the branches will fade and wither
And be cast into eternal flames"

How does it feel now on your own?
Does your rebellion keep you warm?
Your self-reliance make your strong?
How does it feel now on your own?

The doors to the banquet hall are closing...

9. Salt Solution Suicide 2:24
10. Tears Of Blood From An Angel In Mourning 2:29
Beyond a thread of recognition
Lies a decimated frame
Screams tear the evening soul
She looks upon the purity

Mindless method leads
To dissatisfaction
Death, not drinking
From the cup

In angelic mourning she is weeping
Alabaster face is streaked with sanguine tears
Fragile bodies writhe in pain
And fill her skies

Mindless method leads
To dissatisfaction
Death, not drinking
From the cup

Tears that burn
Blood that stains
Searing, screaming
That is yours

You are soaring on the wings of reprobation
To a dying, distant place
Fading home of the undead
Now look upon the purity

Bones de-marrowed turn to apathetic dust
She is looking down
Now only blood is left

11. The Butchering Of Relative thinking 5:44
In place of incluence
Invincible position
The lie you believe in
Awaiting a response, no one stands
When you attack my God
And His precious, precious truth

Fabricated truth spurts forth from your intellectual wounds
Crushing hammers to the skull of rationality
Seeking to obliterate truth from the lips of the beautiful
Malignancy eats at your soul

All you have left
Ad hominem
Your last defense

Year in, year out
You seek out one to slaughter
To intellectually torture and dismember
Upon a table of philosophical butchery
You desire to hear them cry out

Sick man you are
Believing your "truth" can save you
You and your hammers will lie gutted and severed
Not a threat, but a promise of your future

My heart takes over my body
I rise, you laugh
You draw your hammer, try to break my skull of objective distinctions
All eyes are fixed, for we are in the battlefield of ideas
You desire my parents' philosophy to be my weapon
I choose the chainsaw, objective truth never hurt like this
Such power, so much force, your arguments lie bloody and severed
Beneath a mangled heap of subjective thinking

All you have left
Ad hominem
Your last defense

The final blow
My chainsaw rips the lies from your heart
But eternal truth can stitch the incision and wipe away the tears
Yourself enslaved, yet you have a choice
Eyes fixed on your broken corpse, you realize your fault

I hate you not
God hates you not
You need fear not
Truth just killed you

I hate you not
God hates you not
You need fear not
Truth will revive you

12. Damnation Undone 1:08
Once to die, then the judgment
Spare yourself from the burning flames
Torment or love eternal
Receive the blood of the Holy Son
Eternally live now with damnation undone

13. Reflection (Silence) 0:22
14. Resolution 1:26

15. Stillborn Piety 7:59
16. Upheld 5:08
17. Night Falls 1:33
18. Without Excuse 2:27

1. Apocalyptic 2:29
2. Darkened By Hatred 2:51
3. Unsung Hero 3:57
4. If Not Emasculated 4:09
5. Sex With Death 3:15
6. Thieves 3:58
7. Defilement 2:05
8. Independence 5:34
9. Salt Solution Homicide 2:24
10. Tears Of Blood From An Angel In Mourning 2:28
11. The Butchering Of Relative thinking 5:43
12. Damnation Undone 1:07
13. Reflection 0:22
14. Resolution 1:25
15. Without Excuse 2:27

Sex With Death (single, February 14, 2024, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Sex With Death 3:15

Darkened By Hatred (single, March 22, 2024, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Darkened By Hatred 2:51

Apocalyptic (single, April 18, 2024, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Apocalyptic 2:29

If Not Emasculated (single, May 24, 2024, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. If Not Emasculated 4:09



BAND NAME: Sculpture
GENRE: Death Metal / Thrash Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Bodegraven, South Holland, Netherlands

Last-known lineup:
David Verkaik - Vocals
Robert Hus - Guitars
Gerben De Rooij - Bass, Acoustic Guitars
Ardi Verkaik - Drums

Past members:
Arjan Nihot - Vocals
Walter Rietveld - Guitars
Stefan Rietveld - Bass


Enter The Kingdom (demo, 1992, Independent) (Cassette)

Side A:
1. Enter The Kingdom
2. Question Of Silence
Side B:
3. End Of Times
4. The Echo Of Empty Depths

Death To Death (demo, 1993, Independent) (Cassette)

1. Grinding Sacrifice
2. Death To Death
3. Dawn To Eternity
4. Releasing Me From Twilight Traps

Spiritual Matrix (album, 1998, LowRoof Records) (CD)

1. A Contemplation Of David 6:58
Strike all my enemies on the jaw
Break the teeth of the wicked, God
Rise up in your anger
Do not let the wicked man revile

Arise, Lord
Arise, my God

They shall fall, perish at your presence
Blotted out their name forever
Rise up in your anger
O God of Israel

Give ear to my prayer
Do not hide yourself
Attend to me and hear
'Cause the voice of the enemy

Oppression of the wicked
Brings trouble on me
In wrath they hate me
Horror overwhelmed

I would hasten escape!
I would hasten escape!

Give ear to my prayer
Do not hide yourself
Attend to me and hear
'Cause the voice of the enemy

Oppression of the wicked
Brings trouble on me
In wrath they hate me
Horror overwhelmed

I would hasten escape!
I would hasten escape!

Arise, Lord
Arise, my God

Strike all my enemies on the jaw
Break the teeth of the wicked, God
Rise up in your anger
Do not let the wicked man revile

2. Sodom 3:45
When we look at the world and all the love within
It's just like the world of Lot
Love became a sin

Men sleep with men and women became whores
Everyone is masturbating
That's one thing for sure

Fire, destruction
Sodom is the death sea now

When you look at your life
What kind of love do you see?
Is it based on satisfaction or is your love for free?

'Cause love can be lust
If you take it for your own and lust will turn to pleasure
Loving desecration of your throne

Fire, destruction
Sodom is the death sea now

The love we get is meant to give unselfishly
The love He gave was pure and bright
It cost Him his whole life

He can break the chains
The rope around your neck he'll burn
Come to Him with readiness
He will teach to turn

Fire, destruction
Sodom is the death sea now

3. No Liberation 4:39
The time for him has come
The light feel from his eyes
The wolves started their crying
Before he'd realized

The bats crossed his nightmare
Owls hunted their meat
The witched ripped his brains out
Woke him in Elm Street

No liberation and no salvation
Judgement to come
In hell you'll burn
Disobedient one
No liberation

Face your nightmare, no running away
There's no hiding from your decay
Perpetual nightmare from day to day
There's no hiding and no running away

No liberation and no salvation
Judgement to come
In hell you'll burn
Disobedient one
No liberation

Face your nightmare, no running away
There's no hiding from your decay
Perpetual nightmare from day to day
There's no hiding and no running away

4. Spiritual Matrix 6:51
I am Creator
The Living Word
Eternal unfailing
The source of light

The man you made
The life you give

Almighty foundation
The breath of life
The Father of the highest
Beginning and the End

I am the chosen
Fulfill the prophecy
The Lamb of God
The one who gives release

The blood you bled
The life you give

Messiah, redeemer
The Son of Man
Beloved righteous one
The Way, the Truth, the Life

Walk with the one who is the crucified
Pray for your soul or you will die
Ignore all the lies of the black side
Talk to the Son, the living sacrifice

Walk with the one who is the crucified
Pray for your soul or you will die
Ignore all the lies of the black side
Talk to the Son, the living sacrifice

Walk with the one who is the crucified
Pray for your soul or you will die
Ignore all the lies of the black side
Talk to the Son, the living sacrifice

I am the Holy Spirit
Of truth convincor
The counsellor
The breath of God

The breath you breathe
The power you give

Not blood, not flesh
Nor by the will of man
Not power, not might
But my Spirit says the Lord

5. No Respect 3:32
You think you are a god when you meditate
Your mind is full of mud
Your soul is full of hate

I've got no respect for you, my friend
(You) write songs against the One you don't know!

What you create is death
Your feelings are depressed
Ask God forgiveness now before your last breath

I've got no respect for you, my friend
(You) write songs against the One you don't know!

The lies that you don't see are clear through Christ to me
They're just the same old song
We will disagree

I've got no respect for you, my friend
(You) write songs against the One you don't know!

Who's your master?
Who runs your brain?
Who brings disaster?
Makes you insane?

What's your motive?
What's your gain?
Is it worth the trouble?
Everlasting pain

Don't make a fool of Christ
He shed His blood for you
You have to realize
He's immortality!

I've got no respect for you, my friend
(You) write songs against the One you don't know!

6. Scoring 5:33
Rape and killing
Divorce, discrimination
It don't scare us anymore
Death has climbed up to our windows
It has entered our palaces

Innocent blood

How can we ever stand face-to-face with God?

Torment to us all

Only repentance can save our souls
Only repentance can save our souls

Innocent blood

Innocent blood

How can we ever stand face-to-face with God?

Torment to us all

Only repentance can save our souls
Only repentance can save our souls

Innocent blood

7. Dawn Of Eternity 4:37
The dawn of eternity is waiting
For those who accepted Christ in their personal lives!

8. Grinding Sacrifice 4:42
I will call on you, my Lord
For your words saved my soul
I will call on you, my Lord
For your words saved my soul

Your blood did save my life
You're the living sacrifice
You can't deny

Satanic kingdom falls
As written in the scroll
The Lamb risen to fulfill
The prophet's words upon the hill

Love and wisdom fills the land
All the power is in God's hand
Light makes darkness disappear
Makes the demons start to fear

When my God comes back to rule
And you are left, you'll be a fool
Now reach eternal life
Through His Son, the sacrifice

Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord!

I will call on you, my Lord
For your words saved my soul
I will call on you, my Lord
For your words saved my soul

I will call on you, my Lord
For your words saved my soul

9. Death To Death 3:20
The time will come for pain to die
To stop the screams and silent lies
Away from the fears, no starving death
No endless pain and no more threat

Death to death
Kill evil
Death to death
For life has come
Death to death
See His blood
Death to death
The work has been done

Where oh death is your victory?
Where oh death, you sting
Where oh death is your victory?
Where oh death, you sting

The sting of death is sin
And the power of sin is law
But thanks to God, who gives victory
Through Jesus Christ, our King!

Where oh death is your victory?
Where oh death, you sting
Where oh death is your victory?
Where oh death, you sting

10. Twilight Traps 5:07
I had fallen into your traps
You struck me out of the light
Insecurity filled my mind
And pulled me out of the light
Fallen in despair
Only pain to share

But that time is over
Christ lifted me up
Pulled me out of your twilight zone
Saved me from your traps

Your time is over
Now bite the dust
In Christ's name we command

Hey you, betrayer
You slayer of men
Salvation is in our hands

Jesus, we praise you for the saving blood
For conquering the darkness we fear not
Wherever we go You're there to heal
No matter man's blindness, however we feel

You give peace that last inside
You're the reason we stay in this fight

You're my target
You're my goal
You are the One who saved my soul
You're my target
You're my goal
You are the One who saved my soul

You're my target
You're my goal
You are the One who saved my soul
You're my target
You're my goal
You are the One who saved my soul

Glory Hallelujah Amen (split, 1999, Fear Dark Records) (CD)

2. Sculpture - A Contemplation Of David (Remix '99) 5:10
3. Sculpture - Spiritual Matrix (Remix '99) 5:57