Tuesday, November 30, 2021


BAND NAME: Morbid Sacrifice
GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Bellefonte, Pennsylvania

Chris Auman - Vocals, Bass
Robert Krebs - Guitars
Nate Davis - Guitars
Tom Klinesmith - Drums



Severed Death (album)

September 2002, Independent (CD)
2006, Red State Records, Open Grave Records (CD)
February 3, 2020, Independent (Digital)
June 6, 2023, Omnipotent Radio, Unofficial (Digital)

The Omnipotent Radio version has the tracks in the wrong order.

1. The Offering 5:07
I am that which you seek
I am that which you fear
I live by the Spirit you need
Behold... the image of your Creator

Come now - taste the sound
Of once lost - now found
Repent - turn around
Life your spirit upward bound

I am nothing on my own
I am dust, flesh, and bone
I'm a stranger in a strange land
On life's fire I must roam

What is life?
You hold on too tight
Let go to Christ and fight the fight

Vanity of vanities
The eye clouds what the mind sees
Virtual reality
The truth will set you free...

2. Buried Alive 4:41
Carnal corpse shrieks aloud
Time has come to die
Writhe in pain, ripped apart
Crucify one's self
Spiritual walk born again
Sprout the seed of life
Death to death, life for life
Natural man no more

Divine deluge - baptism of fire
Do not delay - be buried alive

Praise the Lord for the gift
Righteousness by faith
Salvation by His Name
No one else can claim
Taste of God - Jesus Christ
Crucified for you
Raised to life from the dead
Paid the debt for you

See the hope, His return
To judge the world's sins
Satan's pawns cast alive
Into the Lake of Fire
Spiritual death for all those
Who reject God's gift
Lamb of God slain for all
Now the King of Kings

3. Humping The Dead 0:33
Humanist - frightened and scared
Using Satan as a scare tactic

Humping the dead

Too weak to turn to the truth
Just dwell and weep
In his soon-to-come grave

Forcing self to lust for the dead
Adopting ignorance as one's natural thoughts
Reiterating stupidities of other's failures
Blasphemies of nonsense
Contradicts one's own beliefs

4. Misogynicide 5:50
Anger building up inside
Rage unleashed upon your wife
Half your size - twice the pain
First scarring her life - insane!

Big man
Tough guy
Beat your wife
Will she die?

Perverted feelings begotten of fear
Looked upon as the inferior sex
Proving manhood by beating her up
Is not what God says it's all about

God pulled the rib from Adam
Not to make a punching bag
Helpmate was the original intention
Separate but equal since creation

Jesus had a wonderful ministry
Scores of women by his side
Many disciples of the fairer sex
Love for God they had inside

Women are blessings from the Lord
Don't treat them with contempt
Wrath of God abides on him
Who hits a girl on a whim

Big man
Tough guy
Love your wife
Or die!

5. Severed Death 4:23
Bloody corpses on the street
Gory flesh, mangled meat
Bloody corpses on the ground
Screams of pain all around
Decapitation, intense slaughter
Food for death, demonic fodder
Had the chance, Christ to receive
(You) didn't repent, (you) didn't receive

Judgement Day has arrived
Take your part with the goats
Ignorant rebellion, it's so vain
Eternal damnation, feel the pain

Sulfurous caverns, teething flesh
Skin ripped off, bloodshed fresh
Agony, eternal torment forever
Life with God has been severed
The hell you chose is now your home
Rotting eyes, brain is foam
Demon torture, the price you'll pay
For rejection of Christ on this day

Who will you serve?
It's your choice
Believe in your heart, speak with your voice
The Lord Jesus is the Son of God
Receive salvation, give your knee a nod

Disown Satan your father of lies
Be adopted by God into his vine
His yoke is easy, His burden light
Journey to life apart from the night

6. Divinely Exhumed 5:21
Six feet under, darkness surrounds
Years of decay, rotten flesh growth
Slab of eulogy upon yonder grave
Thou rotten corpse, image of decay

Call to life
Come up hither
Blink of an eye
Unbelief denied

Blow the trumpet, blast of fire
Dead risen, first flesh, renewed bones
Caught up to meet them in the air
Unbelievers left to despair

Do not deny the power of God
Believe the Son, accept the Lord
Life after death, eternal bliss
Up from the grave, exhumed to life

7. Whom I Serve 2:19
I serve Jesus!

Torn and whipped at the stake
All was planned, no mistake
Cut open shoulder to waist
Exposed to organs within
Whipped with leather stripes
Blood flowed for all healing

Wood rubbing open flesh
Dragging own death up hill
Golgotha, Place of the Skull
Fallen, pushed rest of way
Nails through hands and feet
Cast lots under the cross

Holder of the keys
Of death and hades
Jesus the Savior
Of those who believe
The Right Hand of the Father
Sits at His throne

Glory to the Lamb
Who shed His blood
Demons run frightened
Scared of His Name
Hallelujah, praise ye
The Lord Jesus Christ
Mighty in battle
Greatest of all warriors
God in the flesh, Savior of souls
Conquered death

I serve Jesus!

8. Deliverance Of The Beast 3:00
Eye of the socket
Aim of the gun
Stand in position
You better turn and run
I'm getting on my knees
Praying for pleading
Father, God, Holy Spirit
Send Your only Son

Time for repentance
God's the only One
Jesus Christ my Savior
Hold me as Your son
Demonic possession
Your head's in the clouds
It's time to do business
To claim back holy ground

Quaking - earth's shaking
Shaking - who's shaking
Praising - I'm praising
Faking - no faking

Deliverance of the beast

For those who can't find peace
Demonic manifestation
Receive and believe in Jesus
Deliverance of the beast


BAND NAME: Brutal Sacrifice
GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Araucária, Paraná, Brazil

Samuel Kriguer - Vocals
João Paulo - Guitars
Abner Barão - Drums

Past members:
Gleidson - Vocals
Douglas Malcon - Bass



Ossos (demo)

2003, Independent (CD)
January 22, 2024, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Ossos 6:01
Num lugar cheio de ossos
Um profeta foi levado
Profetiza esses ossos
Foi a ordem declarada...

E os ossos se juntaram
Cada osso a seu corpo
E neles nasceram a carne
Mas faltava o espirìto

Vem dos quatro ventos
Vem dos quatro ventos
Ò espirito
Ò espirito
E assopra os ossos
E assopra os ossos
Para que vivam
Para que vivam

Um exercito
Grande e extremo

2. Resgate 4:50
Unção do Espírito Santo
Descerá sobre você
A presença do Deus Altíssimo
Te envolverá
Você se tornará uma nova criatura
Em Cristo Jesus nosso Senhor

Está quebrada as correntes de satanás
As muralhas do inferno
Foram ao chão
Somos libertos
Para pregar a Palavra de Deus
A todas as nações

Deus resgatou
Para a vida eterna
Jesus nos livrou
Do laço do diabo
Poder para vencer todas as batalhas
Contra as potestades
E principados do inferno

Deus te chama, venha!
Deus te chama, venha!
Deus te chama, venha!
Deus te chama agora!

3. Brutal Sacrifice 3:32
Brutal sacrifice
Carregamos a marca do sangue
Escolhido para uma vida santa
Nosso alvo é te libertar

Busque o verdadeira Poder
Que não te deixará morrer
Livrará tua alma do inferno

Brutal sacrifice
Morte a todo ímpério das trevas
O fim que o diabo espera
Quando o Cordeiro voltar
Jesus, o verdadeiro Poder
Que não te deixará morrer
Livrará tua alma do inferno

Brutal sacrifice
Ele entregou a própria vida
Ele entregou Seu próprio sangue
Ele nos mostrou a saída
Ele foi fiel até a morte

4. Útero Insano 7:42
Uma vida partida ao meio
Fruto do útero insano
Vidas consagradas
E jogadas ao deus moloque
Crianças vítimas de guerras familiares
Útero insano!
Olhe para a vida de amanhã
Pois essa pode ser a sua salvação
Útero insano!

Diga não ao aborto

Mentes aniquiliadoras
Intentam o mal contra os inocentes
Sem paz, nem futuro
Cavam suas próprias sepulturas
Nun mundo tão cruel
De condições extremas
Útero insano!
Não deixe a semente morrer

Diga não ao aborto!

Bruxos De Gadara (album)

2006, Independent (CD)
January 22, 2024, Coleiosis Records (CD-RDigital)

1. Bruxos De Gadara 6:35
Crianças plantadas num berço de trevas.
Feitiço gravado com fogo no coração.
A fama corria aos quatros cantos da terra.
Venham e consultem os bruxos de Gadara.

Mas o oculto sempre cobra o seu preço.
E os bruxos famosos agora eram escravos.
Dominados por anjos que antes eram seus guias.
Tem seus corpos tomados pelos anjos malditos.

O cemitério de Gadara agora é sua morada.
O sangue podre humano agora é sua comida.
Vampiros que não podiam ser amarrados por cordas.
Lobisomens que eram por todos temidos.

Mas a caminho de la no meio da tempestade.
Um homem sabia dos bruxos de Gadara.
Demonios tentavam afundar seu barco.
Porque aquele homem representava perigo.

Uma história de trevas acabava em um dia.
O torturador de demônios e seu poder Infinitos.
Demônios e porcos eram lançados ao mar.
Chegava ali o terror dos vampiros.

O terror de Gadara agora não era nada!
O terror do Senhor ali havia chegado!
Aqueles homens em paz adoravam prostrados.
Permita-me ser um torturador de vampiros.

2. Morte De Dagon 6:25
Dagom degustou a cabeça de um rei.
O ungido de Israel havia sido tocado.
Amor e terror se mesclavam na arca.
O pai de Baau tem seu destino selado.

Sacerdotes malditos e príncipes sedentos de sangue.
Os filisteus ofereceram Deus como presente a Dagom.
Os céus tremeram em fúria e os elementos se desfizeram.
No ringue que atingia até as mais profundezas dimensões.

A arca era observada pelos olhos frios de Dagom.
Quando flamejante golpe místico o nocauteou.

O monstro filisteu que era a morada de Lúcifer.
É humilhado pela fase escura do amor.
O Deus de Israel degustou a cabeça de Dagom.
As trancas do abismo foram abertas.
A entidade maligna sumia na escuridão.
E a besta de pedra jazia o rosto em terra.

Gate era a terra dos gigantes humanos.
Ecrom a cidade mais armada do mundo.
Mas todos sentiram na pele o terror de Israel.

3. Síndrome De Babel 4:11
Assassino da graça, sepulcro caiado
Raça de víboras, escriba hipócrita
Pequeno anticristo, filho de Ninrode
Fariseu cego, obreiro da iniquidade

Pequenos tiranos no trono da liderança
Constroem catedrais de prata e de ouro
"Façamos um nome que toque os céus"
A divisão do domínio é o remédio de Deus

Ninrode foi morto ao fio da espada
Os semitas cumpriram o chamado de Deus
A pirâmide foi reduzida a ruínas
A nave do mau jamais decolou

Ninrodes atuais adulteram o corpo
Mas o edifíco de Deus é com pedras humanads
O semita messias amaldiçoa os templos
Como semitas do agora tomemos nossas espadas

4. Vale Da Decisão 6:18
5. Flexas De Gamaliel 4:21
Território traçado na fundação do mundo
Príncipe dos exércitos de Manassés, recompensa de Deus
O flecheiro celestial espera as nuvens
Que os filhos dos homens deponham as potestades

Protetor da terra dos Tinguís
A serviço da Igreja para a glória de Deus
Sua aljava é formada por flechas humanas
Os céus e a terra andando de mãos dadas

Mensageiro que traz o conselho do céu
Orquesrando na terra o xeque-mate de Deus
A revolução se arrasta de forma silenciosa
As flechas proféticas despencam o céu de bronze

6. Desconfie De Si 4:10
Há uma agulha na sua mente que não te deixa em paz
Ela é a sua consciência, você não vê, mas sabe que está lá
Ela parece saber algo que você não sabe, isto te perturba muito
Ela ponta a existência de Deus
Você não vê, mas sabe que está lá
O martelo bate não tente se enganar
Desconfie de si mesmo

7. Carcereiro Do Inferno 4:34
O mar estava agitado e escuro como nunca
Os quatro ventos do céu se enfrentavam no firmamento
A escuridão do universo refletia na face do abismo
Os mortos do mar esperavam o tempo determinado

A ordem divina ecoou no cosmos e Kairós e Chronos se alinharam
O trono do juízo está estabelecido, o mar precisa entregar os seus mortos
As águas se embraveceram e se moveram, suas ondas e vagas já passaram sobre os homen
Os sete mares agora são um, o oceano dará sua última palavra

Um monstro se levanta diante do trono
Em suas mãos tem navios, destroços e armas
O carcereiro do inferno em seu corpo de água
Entrega sua obra ao juiz e declara

8. Dozes Mortes 3:44
Doze Terrores
Doze Preconceitos
Doze Maldições
Doze Invernos
Doze Estradas
Doze Inimigos
Doze Principados
Doze Vícios
Doze Mortes
Doze Aflições
Doze Traumas

Doze Tempestades
Doze Demônios
Doze Legiões
Doze Aventuras
Doze Muralhas
Doze Batalhas
Doze Potestades
Doze Monstros
Doze Cravos
Doze Humilhações
Doze Conquistas

Doze Profeas
Doze Chamas
Doze Lanças
Doze Açoites
Doze Cravos
Doze Brados
Doze Rastros
Doze Graças

Doze Discípulos

9. Van Hellsing 3:33
...O sangue de um bravo varão é a melhor dádiva que uma mulher pode receber quando sua vida se acha em perigo. O senhor é um homem de verdade. Bem, o demônio pode conspirar contra nós seguindo suas astúcias mas Deus sempre nos representa com um bom homem no momento em que dele necessitamos.
...Precisamos vê-la e agir com a máxima rapidez. Sejam eles diabos ou demônios, ou toda a infernália de uma vez, isto é coisa que não nos deterá. Nós os liquidaremos da mesma maneira.

10. Útero Insano 5:10
Uma vida partida ao meio
Fruto do útero insano
Vidas consagradas
E jogadas ao deus moloque
Crianças vítimas de guerras familiares
Útero insano!
Olhe para a vida de amanhã
Pois essa pode ser a sua salvação
Útero insano!

Diga não ao aborto

Mentes aniquiladoras
Intentam o mal contra os inocentes
Sem paz, nem futuro
Cavam suas próprias sepulturas
Num mundo tão cruel
De condições extremas
Útero insano!
Não deixe a semente morrer

Diga não ao aborto!

Uma vida partida ao meio
Fruto do útero insano
Vidas consagradas
E jogadas ao deus moloque
Crianças vítimas de guerras familiares
Útero insano!
Olhe para a vida de amanhã
Pois essa pode ser a sua salvação
Útero insano!

Diga não ao aborto

Mentes aniquiladoras
Intentam o mal contra os inocentes
Sem paz, nem futuro
Cavam suas próprias sepulturas
Num mundo tão cruel
De condições extremas
Útero insano!
Não deixe a semente morrer

Diga não ao aborto!

Friday, November 26, 2021



BAND NAME: Patay Demonyo
GENRE: Death Metal / Grindcore (early); Unblack Metal / Grindcore (later)
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Slaughtered Demons (album)

February 20, 2019, Crush The Old Serpent Productions (CD, Digital)
December 21, 2019, Ambianicnoise Productions (Digital)
September 10, 2021, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)
May 15, 2023, Northern Forest Productions (Remastered) (Digital)

The Ambianicnoise version was edited to have more "noise" elements.

The first Northern Forest version (September 10, 2021) is slowed down to be more down-tune and noisy.
The second Northern Forest version (May 15, 2023) has the full tracklist of the Desmodus Rotundus version.

1. Slaughtered Demons 4:09
2. Destruction Of Abbadon 4:21
3. Keys Of Hell And Death 4:21
4. Sharp Two Edged Sword 4:07
5. Unto A Flame Of Fire 4:52
6. Destruction Of Satan's Kingdom 3:53
7. Scorpion Torment 4:07
8. Turn Them To Blood 4:41
9. Crush The Old Serpent 4:01
10. Fall Of Satan 4:49

1. Slaughtered Demons 5:34
2. Destruction Of Abbadon 5:51
3. Keys Of Hell And Death 5:50
4. Sharp Two-Edged Sword 5:31
5. Unto A Flame Of Fire 6:32
6. Destruction Of Satan's Kingdom 5:13
7. Scorpion Torment 5:31
8. Turn Them To Blood 6:17
9. Crush The Old Serpent 5:23
10. Fall Of Satan 6:28

1. Slaughtered Demons 4:09
2. Destruction Of Abbadon 4:21
3. Keys Of Hell And Death 4:21
4. Sharp Two Edged Sword 4:07
5. Unto A Flame Of Fire 4:52
6. Destruction Of Satan's Kingdom 3:53
7. Scorpion Torment 4:07
8. Turn Them To Blood 4:41
9. Crush The Old Serpent 4:01
10. Fall Of Satan 4:49
11. A Whirlwind Came Out Of The North 3:09
12. Dwell Among Scorpions 2:50
13. The Cities Shall Be Laid Waste 2:56
14. Noise Of The Wings 3:00
15. Because Of All Thine Abominations 2:59
16. Mourning 2:28
17. Accomplished My Fury In Them 2:12
18. Pestilence And Blood 2:47
19. Scatter Your Bones 2:00
20. Slain Men Before Your Idols 2:43
21. Behold The Wicked Abominations 2:20
22. Impudent And Hardhearted 1:49

Nor Of The Will Of The Flesh (album)

January 20, 2020, Ambianicnoise Productions (Digital)

These tracks were later added to the Nosral release of the Noisgoroth album "As Sheep Among Wolves".

1. Nor Of The Will Of The Flesh 1:25
2. Word Was Made Flesh 1:17
3. Make Straight The Way 1:22
4. I Am Not Worthy 1:26
5. The Spirit Descending From Heaven 1:24
6. Risen From The Dead 1:23
7. Knowest Not These Things 1:26
8. Serpent In The Wilderness 1:17
9. Son Of Man Be Lifted Up 1:04
10. Not To Condemn The World 1:34
11. For Every One That Doeth Evil 1:00
12. Passed From Death Unto Life 1:24
13. Give For The Life Of The World 1:19
14. That Great Day Of The Feast 1:36
15. He That Is Without Sin Among You 1:04

Tuesday, November 23, 2021



BAND NAME: Gog And Magog
GENRE: Death Metal/Deathcore
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee

Immortal Martyr - Primary Vocals, Lyrics
Anti-Beast - Instruments, Backing Vocals



Commercialized Debauchery (single, November 23, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Commercialized Debauchery 6:41
Devouring spirit and soul
Giving up all control
All sound judgement must go
You are mine now

Puppets of Al-Khul
Made out to be a fool
No need to heed the rules
Self destruction

Homosexually molested at the age of 12
And this made the essence of my life a living Hell
Deep self hatred brewed within the veins of my cell
Sincerely desiring to kill myself

Crippling depression had become my greatest friend
My spirit and hope crushed beneath the weight of sin
I sought new medicine making horror commence
I locked the prison gate of my hollow skin

Leave me alone and let me drown
Leave me alone and let me drown
Isolated within my own sorrow
I could care less about my tomorrow

Aimlessly wandering through the halls of intoxication
Seeking to numb the pain of condemnation
Slowly ripping open my wounds of self affliction
Begging to crawl from the liquid tomb of my addiction

All consuming Inferno of unholy wrath
Devouring completely all life in my path
Mercilessly eaten alive by the past
Violently shattering my mind like glass

Agonizing shame stabbed me straight through the heart
Pain forced me to hide in the dark
I cried out, will some relief start
I must be damned and fallen too far

Sliding in communion with the cancer of the Earth
Joining the confusion of the prodigals from birth
Bars full of the lost ones with no self worth
Swept away in the current of descending flesh curse

Millions seeking true identity in their pain
Blindly I will follow the masses to early graves
Eat away at my judgement to partake in lawlessness
Accept the ruin and surrender to the wickedness

Drop by drop, demons pour in
Dying by thirst of ice cold idols
Brick by brick, temples torn down
Knock back another fresh shot of death

My eyes fixated on vanity as I drown!
The depths of my soul in poison daily!
With no wavering I consume my devastation!
Ravenously until I black out in depravity!

Contemplating my own murder
I decided to go further
End it all 'cuz I deserve it
Gaping wounds love can't preserve them
Nothing left but to surrender
To Hell and graves true ascender
In an instant I repented
Given life through divine embers
My sins and shame not remembered
Ripped from the grip of tormentor
I was shielded by defender
Welcomed home by my deliverer

The Wolf You Feed (single, December 18, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Wolf You Feed 7:05
Heed these words
Receive wisdom
Lest you taste damnation

Take my hand
Follow me to the war

Raise your blades and proclaim that this is the end

This is the end
This is the end
Raise your blades
And proclaim
This is the end of death

Deep within us all
The war wages on
Divinity or Hell

Only one survives
Choose to live or die
Deception clawing through your skin

Return to Holy design
Or gnash your teeth and cry
As you consume yourself

Buffet of grotesque delicacies
Gorging the butcher in me
Gluttonous feasting on vanity
I partook of Gehenna's beauty

Digging the grave
For all that's vain
I crushed
The serpent's skull
Beneath a bloodied cross

Through flames I'm reborn
In righteousness adorned
My corpse on the floor bleeding out

Feeding the wolf that is eating away at my humanity from this dead existence
It was no longer a fight I gave in
There was no more of a resistance
Beat the flesh into submission
But I couldn't tame it without the Holy Spirit
Look at what I would have become
Without His will I took a peak in the mirror

Look at me
What do you see
What I seen was not the real me
Was a lover of pleasure rather than truth until He abided in me
God has shown me mercy
His love is everlasting
Thank you Jesus
Making a way still you never passed me

I felt death gripping slowly
Had no rest, I was wicked
Major destruction to my flesh
And never forsaken me

Closing in now
Weakened by lust
Emaciated bones exposed
The scent of blood
Is infatuating

A single moment
As life ebbs away
One vanishes way
Outer darkness devours the light
Of day eviscerated
You are cast into the void

A crimson moon appears in the sky
Hear the oceans of souls deny
See the grand execution of time
One final chance to receive Christ

No one will be left
Turn the final page
At the King's behest
Bow before His name
Underneath the Earth
Chained and dragged away
No hope left
Dig your grave

Take my possessions
Steal my time
Have at this flesh
But good luck taking my soul

Listen carefully and
Hear the chariots
As they stampede

There are many with you but
There are more with us
Whom shall I fear
For I'm no longer a captive
Held down by
The temptation

My Savior has broken these chains
That once held me enslaved
I had to
Face the Goliath
But rest assured
I was not alone

Fighting gives me a reason
To have faith
Using the Sword of God

Hell's gates
I have no regrets of
Who I was

He deserves all praises
This is called true discipleship
Crucified my flesh to the Cross
Now I have been reborn

Aoratos Strateia (album, January 1, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Parabellum 1:25
Behold He comes with ten thousands of His saints
To execute judgment upon them and destroy the wicked and reprove the carnal
For everything which the sinful and ungodly have done and committed against Him

2. Aoratos Strateia 4:26
Unholy corpses strewn across the wasteland
Venomous tongues torn out from their skulls
Angelic forces bring the devastation
Deceptive beings drug across scalding coals

Aoratos Strateia
Ethereal Armageddon
Aoratos Strateia
Empyreal Demonicide
Aoratos Strateia
Ethereal Armageddon
Aoratos Strateia
Empyreal Demonicide

Holy, holy, holy, massacre
Holy, holy, holy, massacre

Hallowed blades wreak an invisible bloodbath
Indignation against their wretched pride
Seraphim breathe an unstoppable warpath
Demonic torsos crawl away to survive

Behold the twisted carnage of a dying evil
A fallen breed condemned to suffering
Diabolical leader impaled on the steeple
Exiled entities damned to agony

Perfect archers raining flaming arrows
Divine razors spilling blood and marrow
Futile hatred building feeble strongholds
Slaughtering the wicked creatures of old

Grinding bones to dust of the Aphotic
Ordered pious exsanguination
Not one spirit unmaimed final carnage
Bask in soothing extirpation
Anointed weapons thirsting for hellion blood
Holocaustic ruination

Trembling evil rulers beg for mercy
Now they must face their extinction

You're holy
You're coming back
With your hosts of Angels
To execute judgment
Obliterate the kingdom of darkness

Unseen warfare
Spiritual warfare
All evil eradicated

3. The Wolf You Feed 7:05
Heed these words
Receive wisdom
Lest you taste damnation

Take my hand
Follow me to the war

Raise your blades and proclaim that this is the end

This is the end
This is the end
Raise your blades
And proclaim
This is the end of death

Deep within us all
The war wages on
Divinity or Hell

Only one survives
Choose to live or die
Deception clawing through your skin

Return to Holy design
Or gnash your teeth and cry
As you consume yourself

Buffet of grotesque delicacies
Gorging the butcher in me
Gluttonous feasting on vanity
I partook of Gehenna's beauty

Digging the grave
For all that's vain
I crushed
The serpent's skull
Beneath a bloodied cross

Through flames I'm reborn
In righteousness adorned
My corpse on the floor bleeding out

Feeding the wolf that is eating away at my humanity from this dead existence
It was no longer a fight I gave in
There was no more of a resistance
Beat the flesh into submission
But I couldn't tame it without the Holy Spirit
Look at what I would have become
Without His will I took a peak in the mirror

Look at me
What do you see
What I seen was not the real me
Was a lover of pleasure rather than truth until He abided in me
God has shown me mercy
His love is everlasting
Thank you Jesus
Making a way still you never passed me

I felt death gripping slowly
Had no rest, I was wicked
Major destruction to my flesh
And never forsaken me

Closing in now
Weakened by lust
Emaciated bones exposed
The scent of blood
Is infatuating

A single moment
As life ebbs away
One vanishes way
Outer darkness devours the light
Of day eviscerated
You are cast into the void

A crimson moon appears in the sky
Hear the oceans of souls deny
See the grand execution of time
One final chance to receive Christ

No one will be left
Turn the final page
At the King's behest
Bow before His name
Underneath the Earth
Chained and dragged away
No hope left
Dig your grave

Take my possessions
Steal my time
Have at this flesh
But good luck taking my soul

Listen carefully and
Hear the chariots
As they stampede

There are many with you but
There are more with us
Whom shall I fear
For I'm no longer a captive
Held down by
The temptation

My Savior has broken these chains
That once held me enslaved
I had to
Face the Goliath
But rest assured
I was not alone

Fighting gives me a reason
To have faith
Using the Sword of God

Hell's gates
I have no regrets of
Who I was

He deserves all praises
This is called true discipleship
Crucified my flesh to the Cross
Now I have been reborn

4. Commercialized Debauchery 6:41
Devouring spirit and soul
Giving up all control
All sound judgement must go
You are mine now

Puppets of Al-Khul
Made out to be a fool
No need to heed the rules
Self destruction

Homosexually molested at the age of 12
And this made the essence of my life a living Hell
Deep self hatred brewed within the veins of my cell
Sincerely desiring to kill myself

Crippling depression had become my greatest friend
My spirit and hope crushed beneath the weight of sin
I sought new medicine making horror commence
I locked the prison gate of my hollow skin

Leave me alone and let me drown
Leave me alone and let me drown
Isolated within my own sorrow
I could care less about my tomorrow

Aimlessly wandering through the halls of intoxication
Seeking to numb the pain of condemnation
Slowly ripping open my wounds of self affliction
Begging to crawl from the liquid tomb of my addiction

All consuming Inferno of unholy wrath
Devouring completely all life in my path
Mercilessly eaten alive by the past
Violently shattering my mind like glass

Agonizing shame stabbed me straight through the heart
Pain forced me to hide in the dark
I cried out, will some relief start
I must be damned and fallen too far

Sliding in communion with the cancer of the Earth
Joining the confusion of the prodigals from birth
Bars full of the lost ones with no self worth
Swept away in the current of descending flesh curse

Millions seeking true identity in their pain
Blindly I will follow the masses to early graves
Eat away at my judgement to partake in lawlessness
Accept the ruin and surrender to the wickedness

Drop by drop, demons pour in
Dying by thirst of ice cold idols
Brick by brick, temples torn down
Knock back another fresh shot of death

My eyes fixated on vanity as I drown!
The depths of my soul in poison daily!
With no wavering I consume my devastation!
Ravenously until I black out in depravity!

Contemplating my own murder
I decided to go further
End it all 'cuz I deserve it
Gaping wounds love can't preserve them
Nothing left but to surrender
To Hell and graves true ascender
In an instant I repented
Given life through divine embers
My sins and shame not remembered
Ripped from the grip of tormentor
I was shielded by defender
Welcomed home by my deliverer

5. Portal Of Abysmal Lust 6:35
Blood dripping
From their teeth
Prey they seek to devour

Ancient beasts
Long to feast on your soul

Eyes gazing
Into thy destiny

Horrid fate
Burning hate
Consuming flesh and bones

Of disease
Reckoning of thy accursed tree

One at a time
Moves down the line
Approaching you silently waiting

Aim to deceive
Just take a peak and behold beauty

Explicit scenes
Carrying streams of evil beings

The ecstasy
Dynasty of immoral severance

Rivers of filth flowing
From the portal of Abysmal Lust

Porneia birthing desolation
From the portal of Abysmal Lust

Neural decay
Night and day
Your brain wastes away

Rewired pathways
Abnormal state
Breeding dismay
No sense of identity

Try to escape
Pleasure won't save
From your reality

Coursing through veins
Wholly depraved
Covetous slave
To Carnality

Hundreds becoming one flesh
Fractured personality
Forgotten within climax
Torturous mass of avidity

None left without STDs
Souls lost in tragedy
By suicide and HIV
Death displayed on their funeral screens

Their families are mourning
Sons and Daughters are betrayed
By the enemy
Of their immortal souls

A porn industry survivor stated that 100% of other porn industry survivors she knew had attempted suicide and suffered from severe depression, mental disorders, alcohol, and drug addiction, and most she knew were dead. In fact many of the popular pornstars viewed online today are currently dead.

(Romans 8:6)
For to be carnally minded is dead; but following Holy Spiring brings life and peace.

Think you're alone
Hidden within
The veil of darkness

Beware of the Nachash
In your bedrooms

Seeking prey to devour
Sexual demons of the night

Sleep paralysis

Proclaiming freedom
While wearing the shackles of lust

Billions worldwide partake
In illusions hypnotized

Addicted to their own destruction
Feeding the rotting grotesque machine of the beast

Losing blood forsaken by normality
Crawling limbless through the labyrinth of horrors

Lusting for the dead and dying
Empire of corpses
Accursed vile industry
Generational curses

(Exodus 34:6-7)
"Yahweh, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness and truth, forgiving iniquity and disobedience and sin; and who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers onto the children of the third and fourth generation."

But the blessing of the Lord endures forever

6. Incendium Ex Miseria 4:26
I see armies enslaved in suffering
A damned militia of fools in scalding chains
I witness defleshed souls stacked towering
Blinded multitudes in flames wandering

Gnashing of teeth
Gouging of eyes
Infernal priests
Breathing forth lies

Incendium Ex Miseria
Incendium Ex Miseria

Death will be the final sovereignty
Hate will reign through your tears of pain
Futile prayers are screamed in vanity
Hope is now your bleak disdain

Enslaved by the falsehoods of worthless filth
Your puppet shepherd decapitated
Doctrines of vile prophecies are fulfilled
Your delusional king wears a rotten crown

If anyone doesn't remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth for all eternity.


Descend into the lair of Baphomet
Limb by limb slaughtering the Nephilim
Demon Lords begging to cease agony
No escape from this brutal massacre

7. Maveth Naw-Dakh 5:10
Bearer of light
With fear and pride
A wicked quest
To rule the skies
Banished and damned
Godhood denied

Samael planted the tree
Perverting His story
Taste and recognize the black sea
Of the iniquity
The serpent spilled out filth and lies
Blinding creation's eyes
Adam ate of the forbidden curse
Birthing the fall of the perfect Earth

Maveth Naw-Dakh
Death is banished
Maveth Naw-Dakh
This is resurrection

If anyone is in Christ
He is a new creation
The old has passed away
The new has come

Merciful judge of eternal affection
Intent on granting supreme election
Through blameless immaculate conception
Elohim clothed in mortal perfection
The only breath of sovereign reflection
Obedient through all my afflictions
Bearing symptoms of sin's infection
Destined to exile my rejection

Pilate spake "who do you desire"
The people chant "give us Barabbas"
The Lamb slaughtered in our place
Unrecognizable and gushing blood
Divinity crushed by the wicked state
The crown of thorns their fatal mistake
Christ was crucified for humanity's sake
Tetelestai the Holy Messiah spake

Yeshua felt all the agony
Intended for my eternity
Holy wrath of indignation poured out
Upon the flesh of iniquity

Glorified King entered evil's domain
Crushing the head of the vile snake
With one step He dethroned the grave
The keys of death and Hell wholly enslaved
The veil torn, Heaven rained invisible flames
All the wicked can now stand without blame
Eternally defeating our sin and shame
All shall bow to the name above all names

Whoever believes in me
Will not perish but have eternal life
I did not come to condemn the world
But through me it might be saved

"Forgive me of all my sins, I repent of all my rebellion
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, baptize me in fire"

It is no longer you who lives but Christ who lives through you
You must never return to your former way of life


8. Ruinous Carnal Seduction 5:49
Dragged away clawing by an unholy whore
Yet still you come calling and asking for more
Godless desires breed untimely death
Pernicious charming by lies of Lillith

Ensnared by harlotry and lust of the eyes
Partake in debauchery and face your demise
Enticed by adultery the fallen design
Woeful allurement as beauty disguised

Ruinous carnal seduction
Taste her flesh before your destruction
Ruinous carnal seduction
Draped in sin, mortiferous judgement

Lips dripping honey all over the floor
Hexed by enthrallment walk into her door
Sorcery and perfume her bedspread adorned
Ecstasy euphoria eternally scorned

Legions of demons latch on to your soul
Torment and misery and pain overflows
Trapped and enchanted impaled by the bliss
Agony damnation from one lethal kiss

Love has become decay
You sought identity in lust's grave
Morbid fantasies of hate
The bloodied embodiment of shame

Rampant illicit sex birthing disease
Virulent bacteria spreads through the blood stream
Throbbing inflammation in joints and the bones
Pain never-ending embrace your sorrow

Boundless lamenting afflicting within
Insidious parasites devour the skin
Mephitic syphilis and cancer abound
Ceaseless miasmic plague leaves you underground

The rotting organs bringing forth internal collapse
The putrid sickness, putrid sickness, infernal synapse
Fatal virus eaten by the rats
Fatal virus eaten by the rats
Constantly waiting, constantly wailing, malignant climax

9. Insanity's Grasp 5:07
Light up and take a puff of infernal smoke
Blinded bloodshot eyes set ablaze with no hope
Trying to numb the worst pain makes it only grow
Feeling depressing entangling your calloused soul

Delving into a false reality
Twisting, perverting what is true
Pleasure amazing brings fatality
Let deadly apathy become you
Motionless suspended in time deceased
Searing lungs and organs from within
Scorching cells in cranial cavity
Burning, destroying common sense

Insanity grasped around your throat
This forsaken prison is your home
Insanity drowns the life you know
This immortal torture is your own
Insanity grasped around your throat
This forsaken prison is your home
Insanity drowns the life you know
This immortal torture is your own

Do you understand that you have lost everything
Goals and aspirations die in passivity
Can't you taste the panic seeping into your heart
Flaming subjugation tearing down all you love

Invincibility worth nothing for mortals
Rage and hatred flowing through veins
Initiating self-destruction euphoria
Angel dust brings a hellish fate

Adrenaline racing, power so divine
Bullets piercing flesh postponing death
Thoughts catastrophic of impending doom
Delusions of grandeur wandering in the sewer

Injecting a horrid tragedy
Overtaking morality
Consuming all rationality
Intravenous peril increase
Worsening the pure insomnia
As the days and nights rot away
Trapped and bewitched in fake ecstasy
Barren endless like quicksand

Perception deteriorates and confusion creeps in
Screaming at nothing in terror of the unseen
Laughing maniacally at your own demise
Descending into dreams and never to wake again

Clawing away mutilation of thoughts
Locked inside a decaying mind
Evisceration of mental balance
Lunacy pollutes the psyche
Delirium reigning on eternal throne
Senselessness feeding neurosis
Swimming in oceans of aberration
Psychopathic hysteria

Welcome to your own Hell

10. Unholy Asylum 4:26
My veins are hallways plagued with screams of the dead
My mind is ravaged as the demons they spread
My soul wants life but it's rotting instead
My cries echo off the walls in my head

Wandering in skin
Wandering in skin
Wandering in skin
Wandering in skin

My thoughts are a labyrinth of horrors
My words are vain hollow noise
My acts are of the Destroyer
My ears drown in his dark voice

Staring through the bars of my eyes
Yearning to escape my design
Clawing tallies in my flesh cage
Climbing out of my living grave

My flesh is an unholy asylum
My flesh is an unholy asylum
My flesh is an unholy asylum
My flesh is an unholy asylum

My conscience bathing in the pools of despair
My spirit sinking in the lake of terror
My pain exceeding beyond what I can bear
My fate's consumed when I look in the mirror

Reanimate my fallen corpse
Tear this sin from my bones
Regenerate my life as Yours
Rend the skies, call me home

11. Nemesis Of Immortality 7:00
From the dawn of time
I became wholly evil
Deified in Eden
I beguiled all God's creation
Entombed within a stone heart of decaying flesh
I am leeching life force from you till nothing is left

Pumping stolen mortal blood
Through the obsolete
Pnuema finite winter swirling within
Lawless heartless calloused
Mind, will, and emotions
Believe nothing I have spoken or will ever say

I am the omni-deceiving one
I am the nemesis of Yahweh's Son
I make my carnal abode within
A shallow grave is my closest friend

Carnal malice, rotten solace, are emanating
Bereft cancer, deadly traces, these flow from me
Lost in violence, constant fighting, none control me
Lust for beauty, no loyalty, satisfying me

Poison good deeds, false charity, motivating me
No unity, fallow mercy, so captivating
Fallen nature, fatal danger, coursing through me
Conceit ruling, haughty prideful, crown me as king

The words you speak flow from me that is what defiles you and makes you unclean

For out of my abundance your mouth speaks

For Yahweh the Triune Godhead has put eternity within me

I plant hatred in your mind
Until the end of all time on this Earth
Predator of the divine
Thirsting to feast on the carcasses of angels

Thoughts enslaved in lawlessness
Until you take your final breath you are mine
Enemy of victory
Learn to relish in defeat I must bring

Throne of sins indwelling
All peoples, tongues, and tribes
Must wear my chains
Wear my chains

I'll keep your soul writhing in my chains
Blissfully you're following my name
My iniquity knows no bounds
My aspirations drag you into the ground

I am he, festering, I can't speak, you must listen
I love death, I steal your breath, perpetually