Thursday, September 26, 2024


BAND NAME: Menorah
GENRE: Death/Thrash Metal
STATUS: Name changed
LOCATION: Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico

Last-known lineup:
Sebastián Rodríguez - Vocals
Eduardo Moreno - Lead Guitars
Jesús Vales - Lead Guitars
Jonathan Olivas - Bass

Past members:
Héctor Siqueiros - Drums
Daniel Tovar - Drums



Corazones Perversos (demo)

January 1, 2012, Independent (CD)
2014, Vampire Records (Mini-CD)

1. Quita Esto De Mí (Demo Intro) 1:47
Os daré corazón nuevo, y pondré espíritu nuevo dentro de vosotros; y quitaré de vuestra carne el corazón de piedra, y os daré un corazón de carne.
Y pondré dentro de vosotros mi Espíritu, y haré que andéis en mis estatutos, y guardéis mis preceptos, y los pongáis por obra.
Entra padre porque te reconozco como el rey de reyes y señor de señores Dios todo poderoso, entra en mi vida y quita esto de mí, quita la maldad y perdona mis pecados, en nombre del padre del hijo y del espíritu santo, amen.

2. Hasta El Fin 5:12
Tú has cambiado mi vida, desde el principio hasta el fin, tú te has llevado mi carga y todo mi sufrir.
Diste tu último aliento, todo por mi salvación y es que señor Jesucristo, te seguiré hasta el fin.
Hasta el fin te seguiré, gracias por mi salvación a Jesucristo alabare, con todo mi corazón.

Gracias Yo te doy, porque has cambiado todo mi dolor.

Gracias Yo te doy, porque has cambiado todo mi dolor.

Hasta el fin (Hasta el fin te seguiré, hasta el fin te seguiré).
Hasta el fin (Hasta el fin te seguiré, hasta el fin te seguiré).
Hasta el fin (Hasta el fin te seguiré, hasta el fin te seguiré).
Hasta el fin (Hasta el fin te seguiré, hasta el fin te seguiré).

Cristo cambio mi corazón y hasta el final lo seguiré, él se llevó todo mi dolor, gracias a su amor ahora libre soy.

3. Corazones Perversos 6:52
Guerras, muerte, enfermedades, estamos viviendo los tiempos finales y el amor de las personas se está enfriando.
Guerreros que siguen a Dios, soldados de cristo, levántense, ustedes son montañas y son inamovibles, no dejemos morir a esta generación, espíritu santo por una pasión por Dios, que haga volvernos a buscarte, recibe nuestra adoración y cambia nuestros corazones perversos por un corazón de carne, que para eso tu corazón exploto, para no estar así, la tierra clama por tu poder.
Desciende y consúmenos con el fuego del espíritu santo, quema nuestra maldad y levanta guerreros, que atiendan a la necesidad, muchas iglesias están; sordas, ciegas y mudas.
Ten misericordia y cámbianos, para ser como tú, imitadores de cristo, guerreros, Dios necesita santidad, obediencia, temor y humildad.

Es hora de movernos por los caminos de Dios y hacer la diferencia, dejar de ocultar la verdad, que hay un Dios con los brazos abiertos y que lo están para ti y para mí.
Busca y encontraras la misericordia de un Dios vivo, el único rey y poderoso Jesucristo.

El si perdono, este corazón, lleno de maldad y ahogado en soledad.

El abrazo este corazón perverso y de maldad, me tomado de la mano y me libro de satanás.
El abrazo este corazón perverso y de maldad, me tomado de la mano y me libro de satanás.

Solo a su lado tendrá la potestad de ser su hijo.

Mil veces caí, en la oscuridad, mas ahora entendí que Jesús es libertad.
Mil veces caí, en la oscuridad, mas ahora entendí que Jesús es libertad.

Silencio, silencio el fuego esta por venir, creo que estoy perdido, más siempre está el sobre mí.

Solo a su lado tendrá la potestad de ser su hijo.

Señor, cambia nuestros corazones para cumplir con tu obra, porque no somos músicos, somos ministros tuyos.

Todos te dicen oscuridad, mienten.
Todos te dicen oscuridad, mienten.
Todos te dicen oscuridad, mienten.
La luz está en El.

4. Apostasía 5:59
Cuando los aviones le dieron al edificio en Nueva York, todos los predicadores empezaron a predicar, últimos días, fin del mundo ha llegado, prepárese, Jesus viene pronto.
Viniendo pronto no es el mensaje, viniendo pronto no es el evangelio, deje de decirlo.
Tsunami 200 mil muertos, prepárese, señales de los tiempos, viene pronto, deje de mentirle a pueblo.

Nadie os engañe, de ninguna manera, porque el no vendrá, antes que la apostasía.

¡La apostasía!
Y se manifieste, el hombre de pecado, el hijo de perdición.

Hombre insensato, no valoras el don, ni el sacrificio, por tu salvación.

Y no sientes temor por tus pecados, hombre tonto, hombre sin corazón.

No serás hijo del señor.

¡El señor matara!

Con el poder, de su boca y destruirá, con el poder de su venida.

Hombre insensato, de mal corazón, no te importa el pecado pues será tu maldición.

El señor te destruirá pues el pecado será tu maldición.

El señor, te va a idestruir!

5. Memorias De La Oscuridad 5:16
Cuando sucumben las tinieblas, me persiguen los recuerdos, que el insomnio abraza con su terror, necesito de ti en mi interior una guerra comienza, donde la sumisión no me deja.

Mis lagrimas empiezan a correr y todo sigue igual, creo que ya no hay tiempo de volver atrás.

Mis manos cadenas llevan, que sujetas al suelo están, aun sigo atrapado en esta misma oscuridad.

Dios creo en ti, creo en tu perdón, sana hoy mis heridas, entra hoy en mí.

Mis lagrimas empiezan a correr y todo sigue igual, creo que ya no hay tiempo de volver atrás.

Mis manos cadenas llevan, que sujetas al suelo están, aun sigo atrapado en esta misma oscuridad.

Dios a ti te ruego, por mi salvación, perdona mis pecados, acuérdate de mí.

Mi alma camina, sobre un sendero de espinas, no me desampares, no me dejes aquí.
Memorias de la oscuridad.
Memorias de la oscuridad.

6. Sacrificio 7:30
Fuiste clavado en la cruz, todo por amor a mí, venciste la muerte, no tuvieron piedad hacia ti.

En tus manos llagas, en tu costado una herida esta, incrustaron sin piedad, una corona de espinas.

Una corona de espinas, sanaste todas mis heridas.
Una corona de espinas, sanaste todas mis heridas.

Gracias señor Jesucristo, por mi salvación, gracias a tu sacrificio entiendo lo que soy.
Gracias señor Jesucristo, por mi salvación, gracias a tu sacrificio entiendo todo hoy.

Perdón te pido yo, desde mi corazón, el sacrificio vivo te ofrezco mi vida hoy.
Perdón te pido yo, desde mi corazón, el sacrificio vivo te entrego mi vida hoy.

Moriste por mis pecados, moriste crucificado.
Moriste por mis pecados, moriste crucificado.


Una corona de espinas, sanaste todas mis heridas.
Una corona de espinas, sanaste todas mis heridas.

Gracias señor Jesucristo, por mi salvación, gracias a tu sacrificio entiendo lo que soy.
Gracias señor Jesucristo, por mi salvación, gracias a tu sacrificio entiendo lo que soy.

Perdón te pido yo, desde mi corazón, el sacrificio vivo te ofrezco mi vida hoy.
Perdón te pido yo, desde mi corazón, el sacrificio vivo te ofrezco mi vida hoy.

Moriste por mis pecados, moriste crucificado.
Moriste por mis pecados, moriste crucificado.

Gracias señor, por tu amor.
Gracias señor, por tu amor.
Gracias por tu sacrificio.

7. Como Un Guerrero 7:17
Mi señor y mi creador, me ha llamado para luchar, en los terrenos de satanás, la victoria siempre llevar, no dejare ni me rendiré, como un guerrero yo luchare.

Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.

Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.

Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.

De satanás no tendré piedad y a todo su reino voy a derrotar, la armadura de Dios yo voy a portar y sus ataques no me afectara, acepta a cristo en tu corazón y vence al enemigo como un guerrero.

Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.

Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.

Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.
Como un guerrero.

Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.
Guerra a satán.

The band's name was then changed to Ofanim.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


BAND NAME: Unevil Forces
GENRE: Death/Unblack/War Metal
STATUS: Active

Kenneth "Unevil" Holsen - Everything



From Whence Thou Art Fallen (album, August 15, 2024, Independent) (Digital)

1. From Whence Thou Art Fallen 4:22
2. Will Remove Thy Candlestick 2:29
3. Spirit Saith Unto The Churches 3:16
4. The Paradise Of God 2:53
5. Angel Of The Church 2:04
6. I Know The Blasphemy 2:59
7. Give Thee A Crown Of Life 2:53
8. Not Be Hurt Of The Second Death 3:20
9. With The Sword Of My Mouth 3:07
10. Things Sacrificed Unto Idols 3:11
11. Not Known The Depths Of Satan 4:09
12. Hast Not Denied My Name 2:14
13. Out Of Heaven From My God 3:42
14. If Any Man Hear My Voice 4:09

Friday, July 12, 2024


BAND NAME: When The Trumpet Blows
GENRE: Brutal Death Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Sealy, Texas

Mitchell Garrett Hanning "Gutterhoor" - Everything


Screams From The Abyss (demo, December 22, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

1. Screams From The Abyss 4:04
2. Vulture 1:28
Hold your tongue
Satan sends the vulture
Save yourself, leave your kin to rot

Defeat yourself
Leave the husk like a locust
Sacrifice the only life you'll know

Vultures in the plains
Vultures in the plains

Vultures in the...

I'm slipping, you're slipping
Get up, I'm slipping

I'm slipping, you're slipping
Get up

We're living, we're fighting
Stand up

Vultures picking at the flesh of my barren back

I will find the light
He will rise

3. I'd Love To Change The World 1:01
Holding out on patience
Cannot go and change the world
Live a hallowed life
Swallow whole your vice
Living buried under

He laments your name
Washes you anew

He laments your name
Live the life he bloomed

Mind And Soul (album, July 12, 2024, Christian Metal Underground Records) (CD, Digital)

1. Broken Life 2:26
Destined to solitude
So does these thoughts that lead my head
Pray this promised solution
Would confine the space instead
Plastic to say it loosely
To live my life in sharp waves
To bring this ship home
But all that ever comes is the tide
It's all in my head
But nothing I think will lay it to bed
Was it something I ready
That would take me to a hollow
Bending my way
Masked a parasite that would
Run, run my broken life

2. Paradise 1:11
As we graze in love and blossom
Your holy grace is all I've sought for
Every time I close my eyes
I dream of our escape to paradise
Every day's a new beginning
Heavy hearts are always lifting
When I kneel in prayer you take me away
Every time I tear my heart out
I'm always sifting through the fallout
Lonely nights have kept me waiting
I dig my nails into the painting
I wade

3. Forgiveness 1:08
Where my roads have lead
I live it
I have lost out
I need your forgiveness

4. Devil In My Head 1:25
Looking in, devil in my head
Devil got my head
Devil in my head
Stripping me bare
I know how to beat this
I know how to live
Your rusted old chain
He breaks
I know how to beat this
I know how to live
Devil leave my head

5. Self Hatred, Lost 1:43
I feel the hate tear into my bones
I feel the lies cut into my soul
Self hatred is all I can live for
The death of me sounds so pleasing
I am an angered soul
Nothing has reached me
I forfeit all my life
'Cause sin completes me
Open your mind and you will see
The devil is open to all that bleeds
Nothing in life contains the pain
Open your mind and let Jesus reign
Self hatred is wasted potential
The rebirth of me sounds so pleasing

6. Suffer 2:23
Rendered unto insurmountable despair
A feeling I can't survive
A feeling the world around me has died
A feeling the world has been dead my whole life
Rendered unto insurmountable despair
Neglected by the earth
Hazed into an unfortunate circumstance
Degraded into dirt
Wasted on all the wine
Beaten by all the lies
Heaven was way too bright
I just want to die
Born just to suffer
Despairs the way of life
We were nothing from the start
Only meant to die
We're only meant to suffer
We're only meant to die
Can save you
How he helped me
Who loves, who cleans
Who breaks my chains

7. Cleansed Anew 1:45
Give my hate away
Bring myself anew
Pull my heart (out) from disease
Cull unholy eyes clean
Dripping over me
Cull my bloody eyes clean

8. For You 1:14
I will change my life
I will live for love
I will change my life
I love you God
I will seek out for help
I won't lock it inside
I will fight
For You

9. Suffer More 2:45
Before him nations gather
Separating sheep from goats
Are you prepared for your inheritance
Be it blessed or be it cursed?
There's one so hard to turn from
Deceiving through a smile
He speaks of self-indulgence
The devil acts with guile
The wicked dream nirvana
Torments day and night
Eternal punishment, Gehenna
You've been warned of this plight
There's one so pure and loving
Our evil sins he bore
You accept his precious gift
Eternal life is evermore
Suffer more
Accept, believe, confess
The path narrow and straight
Great your reward in Heaven
Upon reaching those Golden Gates
Before him nations gather
Separating sheep from goats
Are you prepared for your inheritance
Be it blessed or be it cursed?

10. Battle For Mind & Soul 2:35
The pain of drinking brings me down
Down to the abyss where I drown
Wait, don't shut me away
Please, stay awhile with me
Hate me, for what I've become
Chained me, I'll drink till I drop
Friend, don't leave me to sulk
It's a dull life, when you're left all alone
Drink, another bottle today
Tomorrow, I'll throw my life away

11. Choir Of Damnation 2:34
Do you loathe it
Does it haunt you
'Cause it's eating you from the feet
And it's working up to your head
Pull it up, bully back
Take the power back
Heathen beware
Consumed with notes
Beast will choke
On your false promise
Had I lived
You spin (spit) on my Savior (sanity) out of my head
Are you mad, do you loathe it
When he raised me up, heart open to all
Like a good friend, like an enemy
You have my back, but you shame my identity
Choir of damnation
The higher notes have left me stricken
The height of your singing
Has no longer a hold on me

12. I Know God's There 1:47
Weak, drained
Unable to explain
Emotions abound
I can't make a sound
No whisper, scream
Like a horrible dream
I won't despair
I know God's there
I climb, I fall
I've hit another wall
Self-focus devastates
Just another bad trait
Let go of the vice
Chains dragging me down
They're his to carry
No more fears abound
Still imperfect
Yet progressing
Sometimes failing
Distraught, wailing
Fear no more
Peace is given
Eternal love
I cannot fathom

13. Hurt From The Start 1:59
Everything in life always hurt from the start
Ever since I remembered I just wanted to be a part of the world and the weeds and all the love that it brings
But I always shot it down
Just for other trivial things

14. Screams From The Abyss 4:00
I will rise

Thursday, July 11, 2024


BAND NAME: Swinery
GENRE: Grindcore / Noisecore (early); Death-grind / Deathcore (later)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Greenville, Illinois

Dustin James Higginbotham - Everything



Swinery (EP)

May 4, 2014, Christian Grind Records, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)
April 22, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)
June 2015, Christian Grind Records, SkyBurnsBlack Records (CD-R)
July 24, 2022, Independent, Deluxe Edition (Digital)

1. Narrative 0:43
2. Horrors 0:31
We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.

3. Sacrificed 0:34
Jesus is king
Jesus is the Son of God
Jesus sacrificed His life for us all

4. Headless 0:32
Blegh, splat
Oh, Lucifer
There goes your head
You should have seen this coming
Now you will be left headless

5. Crooked 0:40
I am, I am
I am unworthy of the glory that is presented

6. Awry 0:37
Follow your heart and be led astray
Focus on the Lord
Focus on the Lord
Be free

7. Dead 0:43
You are dead, I am not
You are dead, I am not
Be prepared for the end
You are not welcome here
For you are amongst the dead
And not the light
I am not dead
I am not dead
I am not dead
I am not dead

8. Hades 0:43
Satan you can go to hell forever now
Go back to whence you came
Go back for I cannot stand your stench
So you can go back
I am so done, I hate you, go back.

9. Scion 0:40
I am a child of God

10. Vital 0:34
I am alive

11. Swine 0:40
I am the swine without
I can't live without you
Only with You I am not swine

12. Horros (Instrumental) 0:14
13. Sacrificed (Instrumental) 0:10
14. Headless (Instrumental) 0:12
15. Crooked (Instrumental) 0:08
16. Awry (Instrumental) 0:14
17. Dead (Instrumental) 0:44
18. Hades (Instrumental) 0:42
19. Scion (Instrumental) 0:40
20. Vital (Instrumental) 0:15
21. Swine (Instrumental) 0:28

The Slaughtered Lamb Split

November 23, 2014, Christian Grind Records (CD, Digital)
November 23, 2014, SkyBurnsBlack Records (CD, Digital)

22. Swinery - Purged From Underneath 0:28
Our lines are broken
We will be purged from underneath
We must be aware

We let them kill
We let them through
We let them purge on us
Why do we look away?

23. Swinery - Sweep The Nations 1:24
Sweep the nations
They come from the East
Sweeping over nations
In peace, but that's a lie

They spread war
They leave no one alive

They will come for you,
Your wives, and your children

24. Swinery - The Baptism, The Cleansing, The Slaughter 0:28
Unholy satanic baptism
To cleanse the sacrifice before the slaughter
It sweeps America right now

25. Swinery - The Joyful & Beheadings 0:44
The government keeps looking away
The President tells the world that we have no plans
We watch the innocents die
Everyday while we watch aimlessly
We the nations must come together
To crush this dangerous foe

Christians as Americans are slaughtered everyday.
Beheadings, beheadings, beheadings, beheadings.

26. Swinery - The New Swinic Order 0:56
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come

One world government
One united healthcare
Be prepared

Biblically fulfilled
The new world order
Control the country
The anti-Christ will rule
Demons will roam, but Jesus will not forget us

27. Swinery - Unrecognizable Siege 0:49
Blind, deaf, mute
Unrecognizable siege
They come for the slaughter

Exploitation (single)

July 2, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)
July 29, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

1. Exploitation 1:57
Can't you see
The suffering around you
See the anguish
Crying souls crying for mercy
Exploit all the humans

Can't you see
The suffering around you
See the anguish
Crying souls crying for mercy

Be aware, be alive
In a system of design
Can't we see with our eyes
To see what truly dies

Technological advances
Machinic development
A nationwide exploitation
Of the sprawling weak
More lives needed
For the sacrifice

Not a condemning
But a warning to be weary

Conception Of Centauric Machines (EP, May 20, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

The release year on all platforms says 2016, which is when work began on the EP, but it was not fully released until the above date.

1. Exploitation (Remaster) 1:57
2. Plastic Flesh 0:53
3. Conception Of Centauric Machines 2:08

Learned To Hate (single, July 8, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Learned To Hate 2:01
Bred for war
Learned to hate
Learned to hate
Learned to hate
You're hooked on doom

The lamb lays bloodied by the shepherd's hand

Forced to endure
Bathed in bitterness
The Serpent's venom has infected your heart

Learned to hate
Learned to hate
Learned to hate
You're hooked on doom
The lamb lays bloodied by the shepherd's hand

Swinematics (single, July 22, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Swinematics 0:46

Taking the flesh to make it whole
Consume myself to fulfill the soul

Intoxicating flesh to be feasted upon
Shivering in anticipation to participate in the lovely dine

The Slaughtered Lamb (Swinery Edition) (July 24, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

Swinery's contribution to The Slaughtered Lamb Split.  This deluxe version features the original six tracks plus instrumentals.

1. Purged From Underneath 0:28
2. Sweep The Nations 1:24
3. The Baptism, The Cleansing, The Slaughter 0:28
4. The Joyful & Beheadings 0:44
5. The New Swinic Order 0:56
6. Unrecognizable Siege 0:49
7. Purged From Underneath (Instrumental) 0:27
8. Sweep The Nations (Instrumental) 1:24
9. The Baptism, The Cleansing, The Slaughter (Instrumental) 0:27
10. The Joyful & Beheadings (Instrumental) 0:43
11. The New Swinic Order (Instrumental) 0:55
12. Unrecognizable Siege (Instrumental) 0:47

Swinery II, Pt. 1 (EP, July 29, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

A collection of songs written and recorded from 2017-2020.

1. Exploitation (Redux) 1:09
2. Deprivation 1:04
3. Gatekeeper Gospel 2:36
4. Swinematics 0:46

Taking the flesh to make it whole
Consume myself to fulfill the soul

Intoxicating flesh to be feasted upon
Shivering in anticipation to participate in the lovely dine

5. Sacrifice 2:10
6. No Longer 0:59
7. Interlude Of Awakening 1:02
8. Learned To Hate 2:01
Bred for war
Learned to hate
Learned to hate
Learned to hate
You're hooked on doom

The lamb lays bloodied by the shepherd's hand

Forced to endure
Bathed in bitterness
The Serpent's venom has infected your heart

Learned to hate
Learned to hate
Learned to hate
You're hooked on doom
The lamb lays bloodied by the shepherd's hand

Holy Mountain Of Flesh (single, November 1, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Holy Mountain Of Flesh 1:49
Dear Holy Mountain of Flesh
I bow before the altar
Cleanse me of my sin

Blinded by my ignorance
Nailed, dead, risen
The wretch I am

Blinded by my ignorance
Nailed, dead, risen
The wretch I am

Endless Existence (single, November 15, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Endless Existence 1:59

Dead - Redux (single, November 29, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

A remake of "Dead" from the self-titled EP.

1. Dead - Redux 1:01
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not

Prepare for the end
It will not wait for us

I am dead, You are not

We are of the dead
But the Light will take us in

I am dead, You are not

I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not

Swinery II, Pt. 2 (EP, December 9, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

Track 5 is a remake of "Dead" from the self-titled EP.

1. Divine Extol 2:06
2. Killer Of Fear 1:22
Plastic fetishes, vital chemicals
Endure infectious fantasies
Bend to Me

Bringer of Hope
Giver of Life
Crusher of Doubt
Killer of Fear

Ravenous cravings, synthetic disease
Endure infectious fantasies
Bend to Me

Bringer of Hope
Giver of Life
Crusher of Doubt
Killer of Fear

3. Endless Existence 1:59
4. No Slave To Death 1:27
Gates of sun, eternal dwells
Defective forms and doomed from dawn
Shadow sin with infinite thralls
Absolute war, emptiness reigns

A violent reckoning
No slave to death
Senses remain
I hear voices from the gates
They call my name

They call my name

5. Dead - Redux 1:01
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not

Prepare for the end
It will not wait for us

I am dead, You are not

We are of the dead
But the Light will take us in

I am dead, You are not

I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not
I am dead, You are not

6. Faceless To The Revenant 1:06
Ten billion years
Severing the consciousness

World in a downturn
Shapeshifters in a whirl
Distracted from the revenant

Terminal basking
Luminates the dying
Illuminate me

Illuminate me

7. Holy Mountain Of Flesh 1:49
Dear Holy Mountain of Flesh
I bow before the altar
Cleanse me of my sin

Blinded by my ignorance
Nailed, dead, risen
The wretch I am

Blinded by my ignorance
Nailed, dead, risen
The wretch I am

Swinery II (compilation)

May 26, 2023, Independent, Deluxe Edition (Digital)
May 26, 2023, Independent, Special Edition (Digital)

A collection of songs written and recorded from 2017-2020.
The Deluxe Edition also features instrumentals of all the songs.
The Special Edition features an alternate cover art and a different track order, minus the instrumentals.

1. Exploitation - Redux 1:09
2. Deprivation 1:04
3. Gatekeeper Gospel 2:36
4. Swinematics 0:46
5. Sacrifice 2:10
6. No Longer 0:59
7. Interlude Of Awakening 1:02
8. Learned To Hate 2:01
9. Divine Extol 2:06
10. Killer Of Fear 1:22
11. Endless Existence 1:59
12. No Slave To Death 1:27
13. Dead - Redux 1:01
14. Faceless To The Revenant 1:06
15. Holy Mountain Of Flesh 1:49
16. Exploitation Redux - Instrumental Version 1:09
17. Deprivation - Instrumental Version 1:04
18. Gatekeeper Gospel - Instrumental Version 2:36
19. Swinematics - Instrumental Version 0:46
20. Sacrifice - Instrumental Version 2:10
21. No Longer - Instrumental Version 1:00
22. Learned To Hate - Instrumental Version 2:01
23. Divine Extol - Instrumental Version 2:06
24. Killer Of Fear - Instrumental Version 1:22
25. Endless Existence - Instrumental Version 1:59
26. No Slave To Death - Instrumental Version 1:27
27. Dead Redux - Instrumental Version 1:01
28. Faceless To The Revenant - Instrumental Version 1:06
29. Holy Mountain Of Flesh - Instrumental Version 1:49

1. Divine Extol 2:06
2. Deprivation 1:04
3. Endless Existence 1:59
4. No Slave To Death 1:27
5. Gatekeeper Gospel 2:36
6. Exploitation - Redux 1:09
7. Holy Mountain Of Flesh 1:49
8. Interlude Of Awakening 1:02
9. Learned To Hate 2:01
10. Swinematics 0:46
11. Killer Of Fear 1:22
12. No Longer 0:59
13. Sacrifice 2:10
14. Faceless To The Revenant 1:06
15. Dead - Redux 1:01

Nailed. Dead. Risen. (single, July 12, 2024, Independent) (Digital)

1. Nailed. Dead. Risen. (Impending Doom cover) 3:31